Friday, December 09, 2011

Stir-Fried Curry Shrimps (炒咖喱虾)

The inspiration of this dish came from chatting with my mom on instant messenger.  While chatting, she happened to mention that to whip out a prawn (we call it prawn in Malaysia and not shrimp) dish is very easy for her, just need to slice onion and add curry powder.  And it sorts of stick to my mind and I want to make it too.  I kicked mine up a notch by adding more spices and bay leaves and this easy shrimps dish was really delicious.  See the black gooey stuff there?  It was really flavorful and little Edda kept picking on that black gooey stuff to put on her rice.  Hahaha...she even ate 5 of these shrimps, usually she only had 2 or 3 the max.  Thanks mom for this great dish!!  :)

Did you notice that I started to cook shrimps dish again?  The last shrimp dish I cooked was back in April, 2011.  I very seldom prepare a shrimps dish, I just use it in fried rice or add it in a noodle dish.


  • 25 large shrimps, headless with shell on, washed
  • 1/2 large yellow onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 Tbsp. Cornstarch
  • 1/2 tsp. chicken powder (optional)

  • 2 tsp. yellow curry powder
  • 1 tsp. cumin powder
  • 1/2 tsp. galanga powder
  • 1/2 tsp. paprika/ chili powder
  • Iodized salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 bay leaves


1.  In a bowl, add in shrimps and (A), mix well.  Let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

2.  When about to cook, take out the shrimps from the refrigerator and add in cornstarch, mix well.

3.  Heat up the wok.  When heated, add in a little cooking oil of your choice.  When hot, add in sliced onion, stir-fry well.  Add a pinch of salt, stir well.  Add in marinated shrimps along with the bay leaves, stir-fry well.

4.  Add chicken powder if used (or else use a little salt and sugar) and mix well.  When the shrimps are cooked, dish out and serve.


  1. That is just calling for a huge bowl of white rice!

  2. Woah! I like this stir-fry cos it has my favorite seasonings - the spices!

  3. need more rice for this yummy curry prawns!

  4. Nice and its sure a wonderful try for me, thanks and will make this tomorrow with adding in some petai since I have already bought it.

  5. ooo i don't think i ever saw galangal powder before.. mm.. must search for it. And I think curry leaves will go so well with this dish too!!!

  6. Feedback would be nice Nava.K! :)

    Oh yes Daphne, curry leaves would be perfect but since I don't have any here, I substituted it with bay leaves which is easily available here.

  7. hhmmm....perfect with hot fluffy rice! :)

  8. reminds me a bit of kam heong shrimps. love the curry spices used.


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