Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stir Fried Yam Leaves

My family loved yam leaves and sweet potato leaves.  So when shopping in the Asian market, I often would buy this veggie.  Usually I would cook it with the shrimp paste in soy bean oil but today I wanted to try something different.  I wanted to cook it without the paste and just seasoned it with some fish sauce and fragrant it with bird eye chili and garlic.  You might be familiar with this way of cooking too.  I had to cut the stem with kitchen scissor after I done cooking for easy swallowing.

This picture did not do the veggie justice.  It definitely taste better than it looks.


  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 Thai bird eye chili, chopped
  • 1 big bunch yam leaves, pluck the leaves and wash in water twice
  • Fish sauce to taste
  • 1 tsp. sugar


1.  Heat up the wok, when heated add in some cooking oil.  When hot, add in the garlic and chili and stir-fry until fragrant.

2.  Add in the yam leaves and stir-fry well or until the veggie reduce in size.  Season with fish sauce and sugar.  Add a little water if needed.

Serve hot!


  1. This is our family's favourite too. Fortunately for us here in Malaysia, this grows easily in our backyard and it's easy to harvest. Best eaten with belacan!

  2. What a coincidence, I also cooked the yam leaves but sambal flavor. I quite like this veg but my hubby was like "yucks" over it.

    Your recipe is so simple and looks tempting.

  3. I would love this.. and sweet potato leaves! But it is not available in Aus yet!!! Can only enjoy it when in KL!

  4. I love these leaves, but to not find it often at the local grocery...simple and so tasty.
    Hope you are having a fantastic week Ching :-)

  5. delicious flavourful side to serve with rice

  6. i like sweet potato leaves too, simple and yummy!

  7. agree. sometimes simplicity is the key

  8. I like them too. My mom can make a very simple blanching of this veggy and drizzle with sesame oil & soy sauce

  9. I am not familiar with yam leaves. Your stir-fried dish looks very yummy as it added my favourite bird eye chili.

  10. So yummy and healthy too!
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  11. I like the spicy sambal belachan version of this but I hardly cook that at home.


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