Friday, August 12, 2011

Singapore Chili Crabs

Just sharing a picture of my Singapore Chili Crabs.  I added the "tang hoon" or glass vermicelli to soak up the sauce (too lazy to prepare mantou).  However I added it too early and thus it was all broken out.  I won't be sharing this recipe as it was not perfected.  I had better Singapore Chili Crabs at my Singapore friend's house.  One of the reasons of the broken glass vermicelli was I did a taste test and found it lacking and thus I had to add a few other things and therefore more stirring.

However, my two girls enjoyed this crabs a lot.  I guess they didn't know the real taste or what it supposed to taste like so they couldn't compare and thought this was good.  It was a good lesson for them to learn how to eat crab on their own.  Edda was good at using a toothpick to pick up the crab meat from the claws and this mommy happily enjoying her crabs too.

Looking forward to teaching them how to peel the shrimp shells too, that should be easier than crab.


  1. Holy yum! That crab looks out of control good! Your girls have great taste :)

  2. Yes, I love eating chilli crabs and the mantou with the sauce, oh so heavenly. You remind me how long I have not eaten chilli crabs. :P

  3. OMG! I am dying for one now!! Your chili crabs look perfect to me!

  4. That is the problem with Tang Hoon! :O ...I had the same issue last time of adding Tang Hoon too early and they absorb all the gravy/sauce before I knew it. So Tang Hoon must really be the last to add :O

  5. Hi Ching, can you advise whether Singapore chilli crabs actually originated from Malaysia or Singapore? :)

  6. Chopiandmysaucepan, it's originated in Singapore just like the name implied. Found this at wiki: :)

  7. That looks SOOO good Ching! I would love to have some of it now..with bread to soak it up!

  8. Such temptation! The combination of flavors have me on the edge of my seat.

  9. I am salivating right now. Yours looks absolutely amazing!!


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