Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stir Fried Zucchini with Dried Small Shrimps (炒西葫芦和虾皮)

This is another way to enjoy the dried small shrimps or 虾皮.  If you want to learn more about 虾皮, click here.   This is a delicious stir-fried zucchini dish that even my picky hubby and Evy turned out liking.  They don't like to eat zucchini, but if I sliced it thinly like this and stir-fry it, they turned out liking it.  With the garlic, dried small shrimps, this dish was really flavorful with just a touch of salt and sugar.

If you tried this dish, remember to feedback to me ya!  As I really loved this dish and hope you all will like it too.


  • 1 Italian zucchini, thinly sliced like above picture
  • 1 organic carrot, thinly sliced
  • 1/8 cup of dried small shrimps, rinsed and set aside to dry
  • 2 gloves of garlic, thinly sliced
  • Salt to taste
  • A touch of sugar or chicken powder


1.  In a heated wok, add in some cooking oil.  When hot, add in the dried small shrimps, stir-fry until slightly brown, add in the garlic, stir-fry until slightly brown.  

2.  Add in the zucchini and carrot, stir-fry until cooked.  Season to taste with salt and sugar/ chicken powder.  Serve hot.


  1. Your post came at a really good time because I've some zucchinis in the fridge and I was wondering what else to do with them! This sounds like a super yummy idea!

  2. Looks yummy and easy! Great combo :)

  3. This looks so wonderful flavorful - I can almost see the aroma.

  4. simple and yummy dish! i like :)

  5. Hey, I can try this with the 虾皮 I have! Thanks for the idea.

  6. Your zucchini slices are so perfect and evenly cut! It looks so appetizing and flavourful to pair with dried small shrimps. Thumb-up from me too! ;)

  7. What a quick, simple but delish dish! love it with rice for sure.

  8. This is a great recipe, love the crunch of the zucchini as I usually do it with beansprouts.

  9. oh zucchini sounds like a great idea with dried shrimps!

  10. My zucchinis are coming and I have dried shrimp in the refrigerator. I am looking forward to trying your recipes. -Tien

  11. Great Tien, feedback when you tried it. I really loved this dish.

  12. I made this today and it was absolutely delicious. The carrots adds a nice crunchiness to the dish and the dried shrimps saltiness compliments its perfectly. And on top of that it was so easy to make!

  13. I'm so glad to read that Ananthi and thanks for your feedback. :)

  14. Thanks for the delicious recipe! I have a huge bag of these dried shrimps and I am really scratching my head to use them up, really appreciate your suggestions. Many thanks! :-)

  15. You are welcome Jess, glad you liked it. :)


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