Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Erythritol Whole Wheat Buns

I was contacted by Emerald Forest Xylitol to sample Erythritol and create a baking recipe for their Website.  For those who doesn't know, Erythritol is a natural sugarless sweetener that comes from corn.  It is 70% as sweet as sugar, but has 0 calories.  Erythritol is well known within the diabetic community as the Glycemic index is a 0, whereas sugar is 100 and anything below 55 is considered "low glycemic" and is therefore safe for diabetics.  I think this natural sweetener is ideal for the borderline diabetics as well.  Please avoid all the artificial sweeteners and consider this natural sugar free sweetener instead.  Please go to their Website as I believe there is a special going on right now (if you are interested).

I used Erythritol to replace sugar in this recipe and the outcome was identical to the original recipe I created.  I didn't bother to increase the sugar amount and we didn't miss it.  Couldn't tell the difference actually and the bread turned out soft and yummy as well.

I am also submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers # 8 and this month theme is "Bread Seduction" hosted by Sweetylicious.

Before baking but after the 2nd proved

After baking, just out of the oven


  • 200ml milk
  • 1 Tbsp. butter
  • 2 tsp. Erythritol
  • 1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup bread flour
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. instant yeast


1.  In your bread maker, put ingredients as listed except instant yeast.

2.  Lastly, make an indentation at one corner and add in the instant yeast.

3.  Turn your bread maker to Dough function and turn it on.  When your bread machine is spinning, check to see if there is any wet dough at the bottom, if yes, add a little whole wheat flour.

4.  After it's done, take the dough out and give it a few kneads.  Separate into 9 sections and roll into balls.  Spray a 9-inch pie pan with cooking spray with butter and place the dough balls in and let it proves until double in size, about an hour.  I proved mine in my oven with light on and two bowls of hot water underneath for one hour.

5.  Preheat oven to 375'F and bake for 10-11 minutes.  Cool on wire rack completely before storage.


  1. never heard about the sweetener...hope its available in spore :)
    your bread looks so fluffy! :P

  2. Great to know! These buns look perfectly *sweet*.

  3. Yummie, your whole wheat buns look delicious, and healthy. They are sure light and fluffy. Hope you are having a great week :-)

  4. hahaa.. you really have been baking more bread! but that's cool! I love how you make whole wheat buns so appealing. Glad that the sweetener worked out.

  5. yummy....would like to make this too but can I use Whole Wheat Pastry Flour???? Love all your recipes =)

  6. Hi (: the buns look so lovely, healthy and delicious! would you want to join in the fun and look at our aspiring bakers event?

  7. the buns look really great. Hopefully, I can find erythritol here

  8. new sweetener for me! I'll have to give this a try :) I'm in Texas taking care of my diabetic folks right now. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Alice, not sure whether it's available in S'pore or not, and not sure whether they ship overseas. You can check it out at their website.

    Thanks Belinda.

    Thanks Juliana.

    Haha Daphne, because I think it's easier than making waffle. :P But I need to make waffle to alternate. :)

    Hi Sally, sorry I am not sure what is whole wheat pastry flour and if there is any difference from whole wheat flour. You can give it a try.

    Thanks Aarthi, I will check it up.

    Just did Sweetylicious! Thanks for the invite.

    I hope you can find it there too Retno.

    You're welcome Parsley, hope you give this natural sugarless sweetener a look.

  10. sound like a good sweetener, your bread look so soft and good.

  11. I also never heard of this ingredient but it's sound cool!!the bread look good and soft!

  12. These buns look fabulous! Your kids are darling :)

  13. I've heard of this sweetener but have never tried it myself. Sounds great!

  14. The bread looks so fresh and as I don't have a sweet tooth I won't miss anything with sugar in it :) :)

  15. gosh I just learnt something new today ;-)

  16. Its great this product exist. Iam borderline diabetic and it has been hard to bake without sugar. Iam a big fan of natural product.Thanks for this review

  17. The bread looks so so good!


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