Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Black Pepper Crabs

Rock crab sections was on sales at my local supermarket recently.  I couldn't miss this sales and bought 2 lb. to fry at home.  The crabs sold here were all cooked and frozen.  So, basically I just defroze it and then stir-fry it again.  I do find the live ones or uncooked ones at the Asian supermarket, but I hardly go for that because then I would have to kill it and clean it.  Thus I always go for the easiest I guess.

Anyway, I loved black pepper crabs.  I had it at my friend's house many years ago, seem like a Singaporean dish at that time as well as Chili's crabs.  Strange that we don't have this dish in the Chinese restaurants here.  All they have are steamed, ginger scallion, chili garlic white pepper, and XO sauce.  They might have butter cream but I am not too sure.


  • 2 lb. of rock crab sections
  • Ginger slices
  • Cut scallions
  • 1 packet of black pepper seasonings
  • 1 Tbsp. of butter


1.  Heat up the wok.  When heated, add in cooking oil.  When hot, add in the ginger and scallion, stir-fry until fragrant, add in the crabs.  Stir-fry until fragrant.

2.  Add in the black pepper seasonings and butter.  Coat well and stir-fry until the crabs are heated through.  Serve hot.


  1. You always know how to tempt me!! This is a brilliant dish.

  2. Oh! This is the way that I like crab, simple so you can really tasty the crab and not all the others stuff. Yours look so inviting...beautifully done. Hope you are having a wonderful week :-)

  3. Where do you find the black pepper seasoning packets? Would love to try this, and I live in Colorado.

  4. i hardly see wet market here selling crabs, i guess all gone to restaurant, so i can eat crab in outside restaurant, this black pepper crabs, my favourite too.

  5. Maybe black pepper crabs too spicy for some? Cannot find chili crabs in CA as well. Also those version like you have said in the Chinese restaurants here and another one I have tried is fry with salted egg. Quite nice.

  6. nowadays my family, esp the girls, love the crabs with salted egg yolks. So sinfully rich but delicious!

  7. Quick, easy and YUMMY! Great recipe :) And I'm with live food in this house!

  8. Thanks Belinda. :)

    Thanks Juliana. But I think in M'sia/S'pore, they loved to flavor the crabs with strong flavors.

    Hi Angela, you can try searching it in the Asian supermarket, the one I bought was a seasoning packet for black pepper beef (I got it from Singapore). If not, there is another great Black Pepper Sauce from Lee Kum Kee that you can buy in the Asian store here.

    Really Sonia, I find that surprising. :P

    Tigerfish, you have that in Cali? I don't think we have the salted egg one here. I haven't tried it with salted egg too.

    Yes Peony, very rich, I tried it once with squid, but absolutely divine.

    Thanks Parsley.

  9. Yummyyyy....crabs!!!:D T
    he only thing that bothers me is always the shells...LOL, I just feel lazy to remove them:p

  10. I wouldn't have guessed that it is not that popular. But I do think black pepper is more spicy thank the usual chili crabs. Oh I can see myself slopping with the gravy.. best eaten at home! LOL

  11. oh my!!! it simply the best ching, luv it very much :))

  12. I only tried black pepper crab for the first time when I was in Singapore last Christmas and was blown away, I always liked chilli crab but didn't imagine the black pepper version could be so delicious!


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