Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Deep Fried Italian Panko Shrimps

Have you ever wonder how the chef deep-fried the shrimps without it curled up?  One time when we were visiting our friend's restaurant, her chef made a similar dish for my girls.  His was without seasonings, just dip in flour, then beaten egg, then panko and deep fried.  What caught my eyes was that the shrimps were not curled up so of course I had to pick one to examining it.  When I tasted the shrimp, I sort of gotten the idea of how it was made.  I would share with you the secret in my next page.

I found the unseasoned one quite bland, so I seasoned mine and added dried herbs.  We all loved this, but who could resist this type of fried food anyway?  Flavorful and crispy, hard to stop at a few.


18 Extra large shrimps (26-30/lb), cleaned and cut like picture below, set aside.  Notice how I cut the shrimp?  It will straighten the shrimp and won't make it curl when deep-frying.

  • Self-raising flour, about 3 heap Tbsp.
  • Italian seasonings, few dashes
  • Salt, 1 tsp.
  • Peppers, 1/2 tsp.
  • Water as needed

  • Panko (Japanese breadcrumbs), as needed


1.   In a bowl, add in appropriate self-raising flour (depending on how many shrimps you want to make), add in some Italian seasoning and season with salt and peppers.  Then, slowly pour in a little water at a time while stirring the mixture into a thick batter.
2.  In another bowl, pour in the panko (as needed).  You can omit the panko if you don't have it on hand.

3.  Heat up a wok with medium heat oil.  Take a piece of the shrimp, dip into the batter and then coat it well with panko and slowly place into the hot oil and deep-fry until golden brown.  You can put 4 shrimps to deep-fry at one go.  Drain on paper towel and serve hot with the condiment of your choice.  Or serve it plain without condiment since it's already seasoned.

Alternative:  You can dip the shrimp into beaten egg, and then the seasoned panko (add the seasonings into the panko and mixed well), before deep-frying.


  1. What is the little secret to make the shrimp straight as arrow? It is the method of cutting the shrimps? :)

  2. oooo...waiting to hear the secret! but i would love this! just that i have to be careful not to eat too much of it! LOL

  3. Yum, these shrimp look fantastic, and thanks for the tip to un-curl the shrimp! BTW, you and I have the same background for our blogs, great minds think alike!

  4. Nice!! There's a recipe I use that has both panko and coconut. Yum!!

  5. im gonna try this with chicken! looks amazing!

  6. I normally 'straighten' my prawns as well first before coating them with panko, so they don't curl and this usually work. But with tempura it's slightly more difficult I find. Sometimes they curl, sometimes they don't ;).

  7. I love panko shrimp...and your looks delicious, crispy on the outside and so tasty. Hope you are having a wonderful week :-)

  8. Aha! I always wondered how the shrimp stayed straight! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Yep, making them straight require some technique :)

  10. your shrimp is calling my name!!I prefer to use panko rather then Italian breadcrumbs..I think the Italian one smell funny..Maybe it's the spices..

  11. Thanks for sharing the tip on how to cut the prawn, all this while, i have been wondering how to straighten the prawn. Now i can use this method when i prepare Tempura prawn.

  12. Love these panko encrusted shrimps...must be so crunchy and delicious :)

  13. Yes Min. :)

    Daphne, secret already posted, is you need to cut the shrimps first. ;)

    Thanks Tiffany and thanks for stopping by.

    Belinda :)

    Leanna, panko and coconut are a great combo too!

    Thanks our eyes eat first, chicken works in this too.

    Cooking Gallery, I tried two with just the batter, luckily it works for me.

    Thanks Juliana, you too!

    You are welcome Alison.

    Yup Tigerfish. :D

    My Asian Kitchen, I used panko and then I seasoned it with Italian seasonings. ;)

    You're welcome Sonia. :)

    Yes Jen, just hard to resist fried and crunchy food. :P

  14. I have NO willpower to resist this. I can eat 50 of them heheheh...maybe sore throat after that but who cares? ehehheh


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