Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Fried Nam Yu Crackers

Below was my failed attempt at making a crispy cracker for "Yee Sang".  I didn't roll it thin enough and thus it turned soft when cold.  I took some when still warm and added it with some sugar for my girls to snack on.  They loved it because it was just like fried bread with sugar.  It was good if you eat it right away.  It was crispy and soft when warm.
My girls said it's tasty!

I thought I roll it thin enough but apparently not.  I should roll this again as thin as wonton skin. 

I cut and then stretched it and placed it on a slipat ready to deep-fry.

It expanded while deep-frying.

Now, what to do with this batch that already cooled down and turned soft?

It would be a waste to throw this away.  I did reuse it in my "yee sang"  when the spring roll cracker turned soft when mixed in the yee sang with the sauce (too thin you see).  So, I took this out and toast them in the toaster oven to crisp them up again.  Luckily it worked just fine.  Next time I won't be trouble myself to make this and would use the wonton wrapper instead. 



  1. Doesn't look like a mess up to me. Love how you "reused!"

  2. Ahh, luckily it turn out good as snack. Good idea!

  3. that's the thing isn't it? we dont know till we try! At least it didnt go to waste.

  4. Hm, I've never had fried nam yu crackers, but they look great to me! I would love to try one.

  5. These look like dessert french fries. Yum!

  6. These look like very tasty snacks...:D)!!

  7. I wonder if putting them in oven will crisp them back up? Maybe cannot eh?

  8. Still looks delicious! Totally not surprised your girls loved it!

  9. I didn't know that the shortcut way is to use wonton wrappers! Thanks for the tip :) I almost tried the Yee Sang cracker recipe from Kuali but alas, laziness took over durig CNY

  10. Thanks Belinda, won't want to throw it. :P

    Thanks Pete!

    Yes Daphne, never know until we tried.

    Roxan, it was good when it first came out of the fryer but not later.

    Food Frenzy :)

    Made a great warm snack only cooking gallery.

    Rita, yes it can. I did toast them in the oven to reuse it.

    Hehe, thanks Jen.

    Yes Min, just use the wonton wrapper, easy and guarantee good result. :)

  11. It still looked like a tasty snack to me!


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