Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lettuce Wrap

~Old Post~

This is one dish that I must cook every Chinese New Year.  What I enjoyed when I was little visiting grandparents' houses and what was the favorite food that my mom cooked on reunion dinner that seem to be stuck in my memory is this dish.  My mom would roast a chicken or buy the roasted pork from the vendor and made her own chili to go with this lettuce wrap.  It was always so divine that I just had to cook it every year.  Of course the meat served in my house would be different as I often too lazy to roast a chicken and also too lazy to drive so far away to the Asian store to buy the roasted pork.  So, I made an easy stir-fried marinated chicken to go with mine.

A piece of romaine lettuce (you can use green leaf, red leaf or Boston lettuce too).  Spread the "mung kuang char" (stir-fried jicama) on top, top with chicken and a little of the chili, wrap and enjoy!

This is what I called yummilicious!!!

Now that I thought about it, I can even wrap some rice in and eat it together eh?  Did you eat this dish during CNY?


  1. This indeed looks delicious!! I will try this tomorrow, since I have all the ingredients, thanks for sharing :)!

  2. I didn't, but I wish I did!!! Wonderful way to ring in the new year!

  3. It's funny! I dont believe we ever have this dish on CNY! In Perth, it's a popular chinese resturant dish call "san choy bow" and this sounds similar? I love how we wrap and eat though!

  4. Love lettuce wraps! Your stir-fried chicken also sounds YUMMY!

  5. Yes! I like lettuce wrap too! One of my favourite during CNY season.

  6. My mom used to cook this dish often with dried cuttle fish but we never have it during CNY or as lettuce wrap. We just had it with rice.

  7. using lettuce is both healthy and pretty!

  8. love this! but i didn't have it this CNY :P now i'm missing it more!

  9. We called it "Jiu Hu Char". Mom's cooking is always the best. Yummy!

  10. This is like Nyonya popiah! Love them ;)

  11. I didn't eat these during Chinese New Year but they sure look amazing! They look delicious even with the chicken but I bet pork would be awesome!

  12. i have never had this before! Look and sound really delicious.

  13. Hi Ching,

    Teach me how to stir fry the jicama.



  14. Hi Joy, since you have asked, I will share the recipe in a new post. Thought I would keep this recipe to myself. :D That's why I did not share my stir-fry jicama recipe. Stay tune!


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