Thursday, February 17, 2011

Koi Fish Jelly

Today marks the last day of Chinese New Year and also Chinese Valentine's Day.  The 15 long days of Chinese celebration is finally over.  Right now I can concentrate on losing some extra weight gain.  LOL!

Sharing with you a Koi fish Almond Konnyaku jelly that I made recently.  To get this pattern, all you need to do is to take a little bit of the jelly water out and mix it with a drop of red coloring, stir to blend well.  Use a spoon to spoon a little of the red jelly inside the fish molds.  You can wait for it to harden before scooping the white jelly in to have a white fish with red strips, or if you couldn't wait like me, before the red jelly harden completely, I scoop the white jelly in and thus it became pink fish.  Got the idea?  I used black sesame seeds as eyes on the big koi fishes.  I later added the black sesame seeds on the little fishes too.  Definitely nicer with the black sesame seeds.

By the way, Happy Chinese Valentine's Day to all who celebrate this day.  Wish you find your other half soon if this is what you are wishing for. :-)  And have a great "Chap Goh Meh"!!


  1. I didn't know it was Chinese Valentine's Day - happy Chinese Valentine's Day! You are a true artiste.

  2. Ya, finally this CNY is going to over. But I looking forward to next CNY as I plan to bake more cookies, yahoo. Wow, your jelly fish look really "Sui".

  3. Happy Chap Goh Meh to you too.

  4. wow! very festive indeed! pink and full of love on this Chinese valentine's day! happy chap goh meh to you too :)

  5. oh i like the little koi fish
    so cute :P
    happy chap goh meh to u!

  6. They look so realistic especially with the color pattern! I wish I could find these koi fish mold. My dad loves koi fish and he would love a dessert like this.

  7. So pretty! First time seeing a pink Koi ;p

    Happy Chap Goh Meh! I did not even know it is Chap Goh Meh today.

  8. Hi, where did you buy the fish mold at? this is very beautiful!

  9. hehehe happy chinese valentine's day! CNY over...means i can buy shoes! hoho

  10. Saw this on Tastespotting! Congratulations :)

  11. The jelly looks real and realistic. This round Christmas, CNY and V Day so close... it's true it's now time for diet lolz

  12. I love your colourful Koi...
    Pretty... :)

  13. wowww... beautifulll!!!!....

  14. Your jelly fish look so lovely! Too pretty to eat lah:D

  15. Thanks Belinda. :)

    Thanks Sonia. I am looking forward to lose some weight first. :D

    Thanks Gert.

    Thanks travellingfoodies.

    Thanks Alice.

    Thanks kirbie, hope you can find the molds too.

    Thanks Tigerfish, now you know ah.

    Thanks Amy. My friend got the big fish mold for me and I bought the small fish mold, both from Malaysia.

    Happy shoes shopping Rita!

    Thanks Min. :)

    :D noobcook. Really need to stop eating so much after this weekends.

    Thanks Lisa.

    Thanks nath.

    Haha Quay Po, I guess so as one of my friends thought it was an ornament for CNY. :D

  16. the fish look so lovely! great job (: nobody would bear to eat it!

  17. how adorable!! I love the red and pink. Perfect for the occasion.

  18. The koi fish look sooo real...! I need to buy those moulds too :)!

  19. those koi fish jelly just amazing, good work ching ^_^

  20. I am planning to buy a koi fish molder and make my koi fish jelly and pudding he he


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