Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dong Quai Soup (當歸汤)

Dong-Quai or female ginseng or Angelica sinensis or 当归 is a Chinese herb widely used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat gynecological ailments, fatigue, mild anemia and high blood pressure. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity.  It is believed to be a uterine tonic and hormonal regulator.  My mom used to boil this soup for me when I was living at home.  Usually this soup was served after each menstrual cycle.  This herb is a little bitter but once you are used to the bitterness, it is actually a tasty soup.  This soup is not advice for pregnant women and if you are on any medication, consult with your doctor first before consuming.

This herb is used in soup and in making Emperor Chicken.  It is also found in dishes that were prepared in the restaurant in powder form.  You can buy this herb in most Asian supermarkets or Chinese Herbal Shops.  It usually sold as dried herb either in thin slices (like above) or in pieces.

The link of this recipe can be found here.  I have a picture of the raw ingredients too.  I am submitting this post to Weekend Herb Blogging and this week host for this event is Min from Honest Vanilla.  Check it out on Sunday for the full roundup.  Thanks!


  1. Sounds like something my dad would make me drink. I guess I need to learn to make these rejuvenating soups because you make it look so good!

  2. I don't often have this soup but I think I can accept the bitterness.

  3. yes! I drink this quite abit when i was younger too. Good reminder. =)

  4. this is my favourite soup, so herbal and so fragrant. Beautiful to indulge!

  5. wow. i haven't heard of this soup before...thanks for the info! :)

  6. I love dong quai soup too.Now you make me want to cook too..I love to drink any healthy herbs soup but dunno which and which that is right pairing like yin and yang,so I bought a "how to make chinese soup "book from Popular bookstore..hehe!! I know Cantonese ppls very good at making soup..b4 my mom left after my confinement,I asked her to pick each herbs in a small ziploc bag for me to see as sample,so whenever I want to cook soup I will refer to her sample! yea.I'm very "char" one ☺

  7. Mmm...this soup is so good for favourite.

  8. When I was younger I did find dong quai very bitter but now that I'm older, I appreciate the "kum' taste of it :p

  9. i came from honestvanilla's blog, thanks for sharing this chinese medicine. i wonder if i can find dong quai near my asian mart

  10. definitely had a lot of this when i was younger. i didn;t know that it helps during menstruation!

  11. Interesting. I wish you had a picture of the plant itself.

  12. JaseyLim, NOT during menstruation but after menstruation. You don't drink it during, but after to nourish your uterine.

    Dalia, it is a root. I have not seen how the plant looks like before.

  13. Why is this soup not for pregnant women? I am 10 weeks pregnant and I just had 2 big bowls. Am I in trouble?

  14. Hi Elaine,

    I read that it will stimulate the uterus and bring on contraction. Not advisable for the last trimester. Again it also depends on the women bodies itself and how it handle this herb. I occasionally had a bowl during my first and second trimesters too and I have no problem with it but my OB/GYN did ask me to stop drinking it in my last trimester, just in case.


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