Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pumpkin Tang Yuan or Pumpkin Glutinous Rice Balls

Happy Solstice or Dong Zhi “冬至节”everyone!  Today is the first day of winter and in tradition, Chinese eat Tang Yuan and reunion meal on this day.  This year I made a pumpkin tang yuan or pumpkin glutinous rice balls.  I used the leftover dough from making the Chinese Pumpkin Sesame Cakes to make this.  I will show some before and after pictures in the next page.

At first I thought of serving it in a thick sweet syrup but later changed my mind and served this in my Red Bean and Black Glutinous Rice Sweet Soup.  Just have to make it sweeter as the tang yuan is plain. 

A nice bowl of tang yuan to warm you up!

Shape it into small balls with your palm, I don't have exact recipe, basically mashed pumpkin mixed with glutinous rice flour.

Then, drop in batches in boiling water until it floats on top.  Dish out and put them in cold water.  Preferably, add some glutinous rice balls in a bowl and then top with red bean and black glutinous rice sweet soup to serve.  You can add a dollop of coconut cream to fragrant it up if you like.



  1. That looks great. I haven't thought of using pumpkin in rice balls.

  2. So it's just pumpkin with glutinous rice flour? that sounds so easy! I think can make this :)

  3. this is lovely and a great way to celebrate the new year.

  4. happy winter solstice to you also! This sounds like a very interesting dish!

  5. 冬至快乐! I wish I can have a bowl of this since I did not make any Tang Yuan this year.

  6. Great to see you still celebrate the festivities even though you live in USA. Still keeping with the pumpkin theme...

  7. so cool, pumpkin tang yuan (: maybe next year i'll ask my mum to try (: this year cant have tang yuan ): and i love it!

  8. Pumpkin Tang Yuen..very nice. :D
    Happy Winter Solstice!

  9. interesting!! I see you like to mis wt red bean soup on side..Must do that since I cna't do the proper filling wrap!

  10. Happy Dong Zhi festival to you and family. My son help me to make tang yuen with peanuts and black sesame fillings this year. Yr pumpkin ones looks nice.

  11. Haha Joy, because I have the freeze dough from before and I thought it can make into tang yuan too.

    Yes Roxan, just mix the mashed pumpkin with glutinous rice flour until a dough is formed.

    Thanks BBOven.

    Thanks Peggy.

    Thanks Sonia. I made that to bring to her party and friends but saved some for us as well. :)

    Yes Charmaine, still keep with the pumpkin theme, I still have more in my drafts. ;)

    Sure sweetylicious, actually you can eat tang yuan anytime.

    Thanks Tigerfish, same to you.

    Try it Les, good combo.

    Thanks sweet jasmine, I like those filled with peanuts. I tried to make some of that in fact, but my pumpkin tang yuan a bit soft thus hard to do.

  12. pumpkin tong yuen! wowwwww sounds fantastixxx

  13. Your tang yuan looks so unique and yummy! Merry Xmas and happy holidays to you and your family!

  14. love it!! Pumpkin in tang yuen! what a great texture that would have made!! Great way to celebrate!


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