Friday, November 19, 2010

Spiced Pumpkin Walnut Cake

I cannot get enough of this cake, it is soft and moist and left you wanting more.  This is almost like my Best Ever Pumpkin Cake except it's has a little more egg with added walnut and one additional spice.  This cake is smaller and I used a 8-inch square pan to bake it.  I created this when I used 1 cup of the pumpkin puree to make the cookies and left with one more cup of pumpkin puree.  I loved pumpkin cake above all others, more than pie, cookies, soup, etc.  So of course I got to make it into a cake.

If you have canned pumpkin puree at home, give this recipe a try.  I am waiting for the Libby's canned pumpkin puree to go on sale so that I can stock up and make more of this cake.  YUM! YUM!  Oh yeah, need to buy more of the chopped walnuts too.



  • 2  large eggs
  • 1/2 cup canola oil (or vegetable oil or other neutral oil)
  • 1/2 (15 ounce) canned or 1 cup of pumpkin puree
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
(B), sifted or whisked
  • 1 cups white sugar
  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
    1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda

  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts


1. Preheat oven to 350'F. Spray a 8-inch square pan with non-stick cooking spray with flour for baking.

2. In a big mixing bowl, whisk or beat together (A).

3. Then, add in (B) and stir together with a spatula until smooth and well blended or beat to blend well.

4.  Add in the chopped walnuts, lightly mix in.

5. Pour into the greased square pan and bake for 35-40 minutes. Cool in pan for 10 minutes before inverted to cool completely on a wire rack.  Best enjoy the next day.


  1. You are baking more and more often now. Good leh!

  2. i always wanted to make pumpkin cake but too lazy to get a can of pureed pumpkin and even lazier to make my own pumpkin puree hehehe...maybe soon

  3. This looks yummy. I have never tasted this type of pumpkin cake. Must try one of these days.

  4. You always post such tasty looking treats!

    Awhile back you posted a recipe for roasted chickpeas. I was wondering if you could maybe post another semi-healthy snack in the future? :) Love your blog. :)


  5. Thanks briarrose.

    Tigerfish, I am "trying" to bake cookies and cake for our snack instead of buying it from the store. ;)

    Rita, you have to try this recipe, really divine! I am still waiting for the pumpkin puree to go cheaper.

    Ling, you should!

    Thanks Crystal. I just posted a great healthy snack, bake green tea pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seed is really healthy!

  6. I have never tasted pumpkin cake too.not even pumpkin pie!! This looks awesome, i wonder if i can find a tin of puree here? hmmm

  7. i wonder if canned pumpkins will go on sale in sg! if so, i'll definately grab some and bake this cake.

  8. I'm back in Malaysia and saw canned pumpkins in the supermarket! Time to make more pumpkin goodies.

  9. since you said so good, i'm think i must try this cake one day.

  10. that looks very delicious! love the colour that the pumpkin adds to it!


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