Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Mid-Autumn/ Lantern Festival!


Chinese around the world celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival on the 15th day of the 8 months on their lunar calender.  This day falls differently on the Western calender and this year 2010, it falls on September 22nd, Wednesday.  This day is a day of family reunion and family gathering around to enjoy a delicious spread of food and mooncakes.  Chinese believe that on this day, the moon is the roundest and brightest which signify completeness and abundance.  So, after a delicious meal, the adult would sit outside to enjoy the full moon while sipping tea and eating mooncake.  Whereas, the children would happily holding a lantern and join with the neighborhood kids to parade around the street.  We only had paper lantern back in the old days but now the plastic lantern has become popular as it is safer.  I remembered I used to make my own paper lantern at school as an art project, but with a paper lantern, one has to be careful as the candle would burn your lantern if you are not.  I bought two plastic lanterns for my girls to play, even though the plastic ones are safe, with lights, music and can even spin, it is still lacking compared to the beautiful paper lantern.

Have a happy and fun Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoy this day with your family members with a feast and mooncakes!!


  1. This will be my first mooncake festival in US. Hope to have a good one!! You have a good time with your family! Cheers!

  2. I just found your blog through the foodie blog roll - I love this post. :) I spent a summer in China teaching English, and my students put on a New Year's celebration, and I got to try moon cakes :) it was so fun!

  3. Have a good Mid-Autumn Festival too. I remember watching a cartoon and learning that they used to put messages in mooncakes too, that really interested me.

  4. Have Mid-Autumn Festival to you and your family too!

  5. Happy mid autumn festival to you and family.

  6. Have a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival, Ching.

    They say the moon is even fuller and more beautiful on the 16th... so I'm looking out for it tonite. :)

  7. happy belated mid autumn festival.


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