Saturday, September 25, 2010

Chinese Cooling Teas

I was having a bad sore throat and cold two weeks ago.  I might get it because of the heaty mooncakes I had been eating or the fried food my hubby brought back, I had no idea.  So, I went to the Asian market here in search of my cooling teas to cool my body and be rid of this cold and cough.  This is not a paid post, I just took this picture to share with my girlfriend here who could not read Mandarin.  I remembered she asked me once on what to buy last year when she was sick.  So, I took this picture since I am having these at home now and show her so that she would know what to buy next time.  Each bag has 16 packets and in each packet is a granules form of ingredient in which you just mix it with hot water to dissolve, almost instantly.  It doesn't taste very pleasant at first, but once you got used to it, you should be fine.  I am loving this teas now.  One is heat-resolving granules and the other one is 24 flavors herbal cooling tea.  Great for traveling too!


  1. Chinese people have the best remedies (sometimes the oddest) for colds and any other types of sicknesses! My parents use to boil herbal medicines with some sort of dried cockroach purchased from the herbal store. They say it works but I find it disgusting lol. Feel better and tea is always something soothing to have!

  2. I agreed Lamchop. I believed if I have gotten this tea earlier, I won't have to suffer that long for my cold/cough.

    Thanks Belinda.

    Tigerfish, on the verge of recovering and yet still a little phlegm left.

  3. get well soon! I like those super bitter type of cooling tea if I'm buying packet... I just feel that it's more potent hehe

  4. Hope you are feel 100% now. And this tea sounds nice!!

  5. Haha noobcook. I agreed with you on that. These teas not as much as bitter but it has a funny after taste. Have to get use to it.

    Thanks Sonia. Almost!

    Thanks Anh, not yet 100% yet, about 98%. :D

  6. Oh I wonder if I could get them here....

  7. Get well soon ya. Life is so simple these days with all these instant tea. No more need to boil leung char for 3-4hours!

  8. Get well soon! I alwats have gui ling gou..bitter yum yum

  9. I also boil herbal tea for my family to clear their heatiness. Hope you are better now. ;)

  10. Hope you will get better soon! My mum always recommends me lo han kuo (right spelling??) whenever I have sore throat ;).

  11. Rita, hope you can because it's really good. :)

    Babe, you were so right. I boiled barley drink twice but couldn't cure it. Not potent enough I guess.

    Thanks Pigpig & F4T. I am okay now. :) Slept the soundest yesterday after weeks of interrupted sleep.

    Thanks Cooking Gallery, actually I was there to look for lo han guo but ended out gotten this. Hehe... I couldn't find this brand of lo han guo there.

  12. Thanks for the tip. I think I'll send my husband over to one of the Asian markets here in Halifax.

  13. You are welcome Ruth. I just went and bought one packet each. :) Hope you hubby can find it there.


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