Friday, August 13, 2010

Steamed Eggs with Topping

I didn't know how to steam a smooth eggs before but now I know.  I learned it from watching the Chinese cooking show.  I have been watching the CCTV 4 "Everyday Food" Chinese cooking show and learned some cooking tips from there.  I learned this steamed eggs with topping from that show as well.  Have been seeing two different Chinese chefs making this dish with their variation of topping and find it doable!  I have not seen people steamed eggs this way before, we normally steamed it plain or with minced pork or with salted egg or thousand years old egg in Malaysia.  So, this way of serving is new to me.  The chefs guarantee this way of steaming eggs will produce a smooth and silky soft eggs and they made it seem so easy so of course I had to try it myself.

Well, they were right, it is really that easy to produce a smooth and soft steamed eggs.  Now I have a new dish to prepare for my family.  We all loved this easy dish and with the topping, I can even make it a one dish meal.  This dish is suitable for young and old alike as the steamed eggs make it easy to swallow.


3 large eggs

10 large shrimps, each shrimp cut into 4 pieces
1 small carrot, cut into small cubes
1/4 cup frozen green peas
2 cloves of garlic, minced

Seasonings: salt, sugar, white pepper, chicken stock granules.

Sesame oil and cornstarch water (cornstarch:water, 1:2).


1.  Beat the eggs and add some water, Eggs to water amount is 1:1.  Season with salt and white pepper. Beat again and strain into a 9" Pyrex pie plate.  Cover with a cling wrap and steam on high heat for 8 minutes.  Set aside.

2.  While steaming, prepare the rest of the ingredients.  Heat up a wok, when heated, add in a little oil.  Add in garlic and shrimps, stir-fry a little, add in carrot and green peas, stir-fry well.

3.  Add in some water (about 1/2 cup) and seasonings.  Stir well.  Add thickening (cornstarch water) and lastly a dash of sesame oil to finish.  Pour the thicken sauce on top of the steamed eggs to serve.


  1. I usually steam eggs with vegetarian topping :) and do not like to use cornflour to thicken up the topping gravy. I know there are some tips to get smooth steamed eggs.

  2. your steamed eggs look really smooth and delicious..

  3. Oh, I love the toppings! I haven't had steamed eggs in a long time.

  4. Hi, thanks for this recipe! I've always wanted to steam a smooth egg but failed. I've a question - cover with plastic wrap, do you mean by using the cling wrap? Thank you! :)

  5. I can eat this dish everyday but I never cook it this way. Normally just mix everyday with the eggs and steam it. This is a great idea.

  6. Tigerfish, I hardly ever steamed eggs until I found out about this tips, now I have incorporated this steamed eggs into our everyday meal as all of us liked it.

    Thank you Sonia.

    Belinda, try this, guarantee smooth silky steamed eggs.

    Thank you for the correction Joe-Lene, yes I meant cling wrap. :)

    Yeah Gert, I found this idea very unique too, thus sharing it. :)

  7. awww. thanks for the tip! I am always abit fearful my eggs will not be smooth when steamed!

  8. I steam my eggs like this too, so smooth...yours with the topping looks so delicious!

  9. You are welcome Daphne. This way will produce smooth eggs, I tried it several times already. :)

    Thanks pigpigs. :)

  10. wow this steam egg is my favourite! I can easy have the whole plate myself lol!

  11. this looks lovely. also, you can use your imagination to put anything you like on top. hm...maybe i'll be really lavish and put crab meat on top?

  12. BBOven, haha my girls loved it too!

    Wxin, crab meat is such a great idea! I can imagine how tasty it is going to be already. Yummy!

  13. I love Steam Egg but sometimes I get it wrong either too much water or too little water.

  14. I like this recipe. Thanks for sharing it. I will try it out.

  15. waaa looks absolutely gorgeous! i must try try! and a very well balanced dish...eggs, seafood, veggie! (my favorite one pot dish hehehe)

  16. Mysimplefood, then you have to measure the eggs amount and water amount with a measuring cup. Remember 1:1. :)

    Hope you like it, Little Inbox. :)

    Thanks Rita, it can be a delicious one dish meal! ;)

  17. Oh, steamed eggs, yummy! This is one of my family's favourite dishes. I love your way of adding toppings on the smooth steamed eggs.

  18. Hi, I'm new here. Love your recipes so much cuz they're so, Asian, easy and nutritious. Can't wait to read ypur next posts.

  19. Thanks Christine.

    Welcome to my blog, Anon. :)

  20. I usually steam eggs with chicken soup in tea cups so that it's divided into single servings. You can use fresh or canned soup. 1 egg per cup, 1 can of soup split between 2 cups. And for the finishing touch, top it with a sliced fish cake. =)

  21. just wondering what exactly you ise to steam the eggs? the oven or some sort of steamer appliance thingy?

  22. Hi anon,
    I used my wok to steam it. There is a divider to use for steaming in a wok, place water up to that divider, when boiling, place the plate on it and cover the wok to steam.


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