Saturday, June 26, 2010

Easy Baked Tilapia Fillets

This baked fish is super easy even for busy working mom or stay at home mom.  Total time in preparation and cooking is less than 20 minutes.  It looks like it has crusted top, but it has not, all it has on top is just spices and salt.

I used Italian herbs seasoning because I couldn't use Teriyaki sauce or Chinese seasoning in this as it needed to be paired with my macaroni pasta.  You can say it was a western dinner night.  :)


  • Fish fillets of your choice, washed (I used Tilapia here)
  • Sea salt grinder to taste
  • Italian herbs seasoning grinder
  • Extra virgin olive oil or spray


1.  Preheat the oven to 450'F.  Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.

2.  Place the fish fillet on the baking sheet.  Spray it with cooking spray or drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on top and coat the fish.

3.  Grind some Italian herbs seasoning all over the top of the fish fillet.  Lastly, grind some sea salt on top.  Just the top layer would do, if not it might be too salty.

4.  Place in preheated oven and bake for 10-13 minutes or until the fish is cooked through.  Serve hot and enjoy!


  1. That macaroni salad also looks great! Wonderful weeknight meal.

  2. Baking tilapia fillets in the oven is indeed easy....I do it frequently too :)

  3. Thanks for sharing this great and simple baked fish recipe!

  4. I love easy and tasty recipes! This looks wonderful!

  5. I love tilapia too!! Baked fish is healthy and easy right? I only cook boneless tilapia for hubby!! I must eat tilapia wt head and tail attached! haha!

  6. Tilapia is such a great fish to use for a dish like this. Looks tasty.

  7. Hmmm ... looks so yummy-lah, can't wait to try it. Love the macaroni by the side too. Just curious, by just using the Italian Herbs and salt, did the fish taste 'fishy' or in Chinese "Sang"

  8. Thanks Jess, Belinda, Allie. :)

    Tigerfish, me too, very frequent but with different seasonings. Great for lazy people like me. :P

    You're welcome Sonia.

    Thanks pigpigs.

    Haha beachlover. These days I hardly buy whole fish at all. :(

    Thanks Steve.

    Corinne, not really leh, or we sort of use to it already and couldn't dictate the fishy smell? If you are not use to it, you can marinate the fish with some Chinese rice wine first.

  9. I do something similar but I just drizzle some lemon juice on top and sprinkle with lemon pepper. So good!

  10. I've never had tilapia fillets before but I have always wanted to try. More fish in my diet can't be bad, and this looks wonderful! Thanks

  11. Jen, that's an excellent to get rid of the fishy smell.

    Yes Lauren, we are advice to have at least two servings of fish each week. :)

  12. used your recipe, turned out great so says the husband :) thank you.

  13. You are so welcome Jess. Thanks for your feedback and so glad it got your hubby approval. :)


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