Saturday, June 05, 2010

Chi Ku Teh (Chicken Dark Herbal Soup)

Bak Ku Teh, a popular herbal soup that is dark in color that uses pork ribs, meat, etc.  But there is another version that uses chicken.  This is my first time uses chicken drumsticks for this soup because I believed the pork ribs made the soup sweeter.  After trying this, I can say it was good with chicken too, the drumsticks tasted good with the herbal flavor in it.  I loved to add boiled eggs and taufu pok (fried beancurd puff) in mine.  I was planning to create a marble eggs in this but decided against it at the last minute because I was afraid a piece of the egg shell might fall off and my daughter might accidentally drank it.  Thus no beautiful marbling effect with my boiled eggs here.

For this chicken dark herbal soup, I just used the A1 Bak Kut Teh premix that easily available at any supermarket in Malaysia.  I always bought some of these to bring back here whenever I am back in Malaysia. Got to stock up on food that I can't get it here right?  I noticed there were two types, one was without the Chinese herbs, just the premix and was selling at a cheaper rate.  The other one was in bigger packaging and included some Chinese herbs in it. I bought the one with herbs and just followed the packet direction in cooking this.  My hubby bought some fried yu tiao from Denver and we had this soup with some yu tiao just liked how I used to eat back in Malaysia.


  1. So interesting. I like drumsticks because of the meaty, dark meat.

  2. Nice change to chicken :)...I would add some noodles(e.g mee suah) and have one soupy dish :)

  3. wow you had this chi ku teh, funny tho, I am on BKT hunt and I found the top six BKT there cool right! :)

  4. I like the name "Chi Ku Teh" ... always have it with pork ribs but after seeing your version, I will try chicken drumsticks next time. I love the bkt spices with herbs too!

  5. good that u noticed the difference in the mix! It's much healther with chicken dont u think? I love mine with tou pok...

  6. very nice name and soup :) I like it!

  7. Great dish - I haven't made chi ku teh for a long, long time. Maybe I should soon since my other half is not into bak kut.

  8. Interesting... never tried it with chix b4... one more to add to my to-do recipes! LOL

  9. another brilliant idea! i love chicken...especially drumstick and shall try this soon! :D


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