Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Mother's Day Cards from Evy

Front of card 1 (kindergarten, 6 years old, May 9, 2010)
(I saw mothers showing their mother's day card/ gift/ gesture made by their kids and I want to share mine too.  So that it will be documented here for my memory.)

 Inside of card 1

Her poem to me.  I asked her what did you mean by when you are gone?  She said it meant when she is at school and not with me.

Card # 2  (A house)

(Inside the house) A 3D craft that she printed from Nickjr.com and made it herself.  She printed 4 pieces of papers and secretly made it in her room.  She said when she saw this, she just got to have it.  How sweet of her and it took me by surprise because I didn't expect a craft.

Little Edda was not to be left out too.  She knew what her big sister was doing, hiding in her room making things.  She wanted to give me card but she didn't know how to write and draw yet.  So, she had her sister to write it for her, like I love you mommy and put her name on and gave it to me.  She tried her best to draw me some pictures but her drawing was really bad so I won't be showing it here.


  1. It's such wonderful gifts. :)

  2. Oh, how sweet of Evy to make a card and write a peom for u. :)

  3. Hi, even if Edda's drawing is not pretty you should still post it for memory sake. After having 3 kids, I now oooh and ahhhh over every piece of art and it means so much to my girls. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

  4. How sweet!! 妳的女孩們很可愛!

  5. hehehe so sweet! i love the smiley sun~

    must've been a great mother's day for you, mama~ :)

  6. Hahhaha...so funny! 童言无忌 !

  7. So sweet of your 2 girls to make cards for you. I love the poem. Short and meaningful.

  8. Thanks Minoueel, Wendy, Corine and Belinda. :)

    Su, I will post some of Edda's drawing for documentation. I am just not a mom who can oooh and ahhh over abstract painting. :P

    谢谢 Talita.

    Rita, you will get to experience yours in few years time. :)

    Tigerfish, ya lor.

    Thanks Ling. Both of them are sweet girls.

  9. oh they are so sweet and the words are so well written. You must be really proud of them.

  10. Oh Ching... that is so sweet of Evy and Edda too! You must be so proud of them!

  11. how sweet and clever. can't believe she is in 5, it was like yesterday that we celebrated her one year old birthday.

    happy belated mother's day

  12. Yes Gert and Tina, I am proud of her. We got her IQ tested by the school Psychologist and she scored higher than us. LOL!

    Thanks Lily. She is 6 already, not 5 anymore. Time flies. Welcome home!

  13. 不管孩子画得好坏


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