Friday, April 30, 2010

Strawberry Milk Shake

My fridge was fulled of strawberries!  That was what happened when I asked my hubby to do grocery shopping.  Strawberry was on sales for $1/lb and since he was there to get his banana, he asked me whether I needed anything else.  I told him to get me some strawberry and blackberry (which was also on sales) and he returned with 6 lb. of strawberries and two small boxes of blackberries.  How to finish the 6 lb. of strawberries in one week?  Just me and my girls since he doesn't eat strawberry.

Well, I thought milk shake was the quickest way to get rid of 1 lb. of strawberries at one go.  I added zero fat sherbet for extra goodness and of course some syrup to make it sweet.  Edda loved it and she had two glasses at one go.  Sure made a nice refreshing fruit drink for warmer weather! 


~Use a 5 cups blender~ 

1 lb. fresh strawberry, washed and cleaned of the top part.
1 ripe banana, cut into half (optional)
5 tsp. sugar + 5 tsp. hot water to make syrup (optional if you think your strawberry is sweet enough)
4 scoops of rainbow sherbet (or any variety sherbet)
2 cups of 1% milk
2 cups of crushed ice


In a 5 cups blender (at least 5 cups), first add in the banana, then strawberry, then syrup, milk, sherbet and crushed ice.  Blend until smooth.  Serve cold into individual glass.


  1. I will always freezed the extra strawberries and then make smoothies out of it :)

  2. Hi, will it still taste as good if I leave out milk (coz I'm Lactose-intolerent!) I love the thickness of milkshakes but never dare try them! saw ur recipe here and would love to try it. will it still be that thick & rich without milk? can i put more bananas instead?? Thanks! =)

  3. I was in the same boat. So I actually froze them and I'm going to be making strawberry curd.

  4. oh yes!! all the berries is pretty cheap these day!! I just grab 2 lb strawberry I just use Juicer to make some juice with orange and grapefruit for Mishu.Luckily your daughters love it..Mishu refused to drink if I use blender coz it's has too much I got a juicer and it's really awesome!!

  5. What a healthy, yummy-looking shake!!! Thanks for sharing this great recipe!! I wish I could find strawberries that cheap!

  6. Mmmm....refreshing, healthy and delicious. I can have that any time.

  7. great way to use up all the strawberries ;-)) Steve loves strawberry milk shake too..

  8. I'm so jealous of your cheap, fresh and abundant strawberries!! here the US strawberries are selling a small punnet for about S$5 haiz...

  9. I will try freezing it next time Gert. :)

    Geok Cheng, you can substitute it with soy milk. Yes you can add one more banana, too much will overpower the strawberry taste.

    Joy, great!

    That's great Beachlover. I have a juicer too, but have been sitting as a white elephant because I was too lazy to clean it after each use. :P

    Thanks Memoria. That would be great ya.

    Yeah me too MaryMoh.

    Yup Jin Hooi, cannot be wasteful. :)

    I know noobcook, strawberry is expensive in Asia.

  10. I so envy you. Strawberries are expensive here. More so if they are from US.

  11. Not only that, it's so healthy! I could do with a glass of that now. Love the colour.

  12. Refreshing and healthy drink .Love the color!!


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