Thursday, March 11, 2010

Red Beans & Black Glutinous Rice Sweet Soup

This is one delicious sweet soup I discovered by accident.  I was planning to cook some red bean soup with orange peels.  And then I remembered my mom used to add a handful of white glutinous rice with hers.  Some people added some dried longan too.  But I did not want the dried longan in my sweet soup and while trying to take out my shell pasta to cook noodle soup, I spotted my black glutinous rice.  I was thinking why not I used the black glutinous rice instead of white since it was considered to be healthier.  So, I used the black glutinous rice along with my red beans and dried orange peels and set my slow cooker to low and was really surprised at how tasty it was the next day.  It was so delicious that I would cook this way often from now on.

I love to cook red beans and black glutinous rice in my slow cooker overnight, because I will be rewarded with a soft and gluey and delicious sweet soup in the morning, without fail.   I liked mine soupy thus I added a lot more water.

  • 3/4 cup red beans, washed
  • 1/2 cup black glutinous rice, washed
  • 3-4 dried orange peels
  • 1.25 l water
  • Rock sugar to taste

1.  In a slow cooker, add in red beans, orange peels and black glutinous rice.  Add water.   Turn it to low (8-10 hours) and go to sleep.
2.  The next morning,  give it a stir and add in rock sugar to taste.  Stir until rock sugar dissolved and turn it to warm.  Enjoy it as morning breakfast and throughout the day.


  1. I got to get myself a slow cooker next time I'm in Singapore. :)

  2. Very heaty! Not suitable for Singapore...but definitely good for Colorado weather! and California too:D I will try to make this soup in California's year!

  3. I very often cook this too, have took the photos, but yet to post it, you are faster than me, hahaha..

  4. Ohh, I know this, why it tasted so good. Black glutinous rice is like a secret recipe to making the red bean soup much silkier and smooth. I can't and don't really like it, but I am like you, I love soupy versions of the red bean soup and I always add more water too!~
    I love overnight slow-cooked red bean soups =D

  5. Yes cooking ninja, it does come in handy.

    Tigerfish, already hot in California? Here is still pretty cold, winter is not over yet, had some snow shower yesterday.

    Really Sonia, guess it's common then, I just happened to stumble upon this great discovery.

    Thanks for letting me know Christy, no wonder it tasted soooooo good. All four of us couldn't get enough of it. ;)

  6. I cook red bean quite often but never cross my mind to combine red bean and black glutinous rice. Must give this a try.

  7. What a great idea to use the slow cooker to make this dessert. I love red beans too. I will definitely turn to my rice cooker for next time.

  8. love this soup but never mix hak loh mai with it!! must try soon before spring coming..good for cold weather !

  9. This looks great. There is a version of this soup here where it's more starchy and served with a scoop of ice cream :D

  10. Hi Ching,

    Thanks for sharing this recipe. I did mine with white glutinous rice last Sunday and it tasted great.


  11. Thanks for your feedback Lyn and glad you liked it. :)


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