Friday, January 22, 2010

Pandan Sesame Pizzelle Cookies

This is a new Chinese New Year cookie recipe I invented for 2010. I didn't know how to name it so I just name it as it because this cookie is baked in a pizzelle maker. It stays crispy after it's cold and it stays that way which I like because I didn't want to bake or toast it again. This was a recipe I accidentally created last year but it was a plain version. For this year, I added pandan paste and additional white sesame seeds. Since the majority of the flour used was rice flour, to me it tasted like rice cookie with the fragrant of coconut milk, sesame seeds and Screwpine leaf (pandan). Edda loved this and has been asking for it everyday.


  • 125gm rice flour
  • 100gm cornflour
  • 85gm all-purpose flour
  • 250gm sugar
  • 200ml coconut milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp. pandan paste
  • 1 Tbsp. black sesame seeds
  • 1 Tbsp. white sesame seeds


1. In a big bowl, use a hand whisk and whisk coconut milk, eggs, pandan paste and sugar together. Then, add in all the flours and whisk again until blended. Lastly, add in black & white sesame seeds. Whisk and mix well to combine.

2. Heat Pizzelle press and brush with a little oil and pour about a tablespoon of batter in the middle of the press. Close the lid and bake until the light indicator tells you that it's done. Remove with a chopstick and let it cool completely before storing. [I used setting 4 on Cuisinart pizzelle press.]


  1. Looks so pretty! Great flavours!

  2. wow there anything you cant make? clap clap clap! i love these!

  3. really pretty. such a nice snack to munch on during CNY!

  4. wah, you invented this recipe? This look so beautiful.

  5. Hi There! May I know where can I get Pizzelle maker? Thanks!

  6. New invention! Got patent or not? Looks like cookies that I will like cos they look light and crispy.

  7. mmm...looks delicious. My little girl would love it too. This year I decided to start making Chinese New Year goodies now that little one is older and I want her to know her Chinese custom too besides the French ones. I'm making pineapple tarts for a starter. :) It looks good so far. :)

  8. That is very pretty, but I haven't even thought of what to bake yet? As usual pineapple tarts are the must-bake!

  9. Thanks pigpigs. :)

    Thanks Rita. :P

    It is noobcook, I like.

    Yes Sonia, I invented this crispy batter.

    Honey Boy, I bought mine in Bed Bath & Beyond with 20% off coupon.

    Tigerfish, I didn't patent leh. Just hope that people will credit me for my recipe. Tigerfish, this you can easily do with a pizzelle maker in US.

    That's fabulous Cooking Ninja! It is always nice to have a Chinese family tradition to introduce to our children. I have been doing this since Evy was born and now she helps me to shape peanut and suji cookies. This year she cooked the pineapple jam with a kitchen stool.

    SIG, I have three new recipes for this year, the rest will be the tradition that I loved. After the absent of pineapple tart last year, this year will resume.

  10. saw Aunty lily use pizzelle for kuih kapit and now you bake this pandan cookies using this pizzelle maker too..Must go to buy one soon!!

  11. Fantastic! Very nice idea. I was just thinking of how I can make Kueh Kapit and was investigating the Pizzele Maker to take its place. After reading your blog, I am sold. Thanks. I am absolutely going to try your fabulous discovery and share mine with you when I get around to making Kueh Kapit with the pizelle maker.

  12. Lesley, yeah go invest in one and play with it. :)

    Lan, go buy one and play with it too. If you use a kuih kapit batter and managed to keep it crispy when cold, share it with me. If not try my recipe! ;)

  13. Looking forward to your tarts!

  14. It looks quite similar to the Love Letters we made during CNY. But your creation is even more beautiful. Must taste great!

  15. BEAUTIFUL!! And in an Asian flavour too! These are perfect for CNY. Wow, you're very creative!

  16. The mould reminds me of kue semprong. The different, we roll after flatten the batter.

    I like your version too.

  17. wow you're great! faster submit your patent :p

  18. lovely, thin, huge and amazing green! yummy!

  19. SIG, will only start in Feb. :)

    F4T, it was an Italian cookies that made using the Pizzelle maker. But for us who live overseas who miss the kuih kapit but wanted a short cut to make it thought of using the pizzelle maker. And I accidentally created this crispy recipe using the pizzelle maker so this is my Malaysian version. :P

    Thanks Ju. :)

    Thanks Indo-Eats.

    Haha babe_kl, I read that we can't patent the ingredients, only the methods. It's ok, I'm not making money on it, so let's share, then everyone can make it at home. I can keep it a secret and just post picture only you know. ;)

    Thanks BBOven. :)

  20. You are so talented and really impressed with your passion and creativity!! Do you mind to also include pictures of your fancy kitchen tools, e.g. Pizzelle maker, plastic nastar mould with push stick, kuih bangkit mould etc... forgive me for the ignorance that I don't know how they look like :P

  21. Babydoll, are you asking too much to a lazy lady? LOL! The kuih bangkit is not a mould, just a normal cookie cutter. For the pizzelle maker, just type in Google search Cuisinart pizzelle maker, it will show you the picture. I will try to post the picture of my pineapple tool, give me time ya. Be a fan in my LCOM facebook as I will post the update there when I posted the picture.

  22. Hi there! I stumbled upon ur blog n was really impressed with ur creation. I'm going to hunt for a pizzelle maker n try out ur recipe. Thanks n 'Gong Xi Fatt Chai' Lay Im from Malaysia.

  23. Thanks Lay Im! Happy CNY to you too. Hope you like this cookie just like us.

  24. Ching.. do u think i can try this recipe with the Ice cream cone waffle maker?


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