Sunday, December 13, 2009

Step-by-Step Zebra Cake Guide

I promised my friend, SIG to show her the step-by-step pictures guide the next time I made the zebra cake, so here it is girl friend.

Two different colors batter.

First, put a dollop of white batter in the center of the pan.

Next, put a little dark batter on top of the white batter.

Then, you add another dollop of white batter on top of the dark batter.

Again, add another layer of dark batter on top. Just keep alternate different color of batter on top of each other until all batters are used.

I didn't do a great job on this as it was not center.

Example of how it would look like when baked and cut. Good Luck!

Recipe of this marbled banana chocolate cake can be found here.


  1. I always wondered how they do that, thanks for the instructions!

  2. okay, I never knew it was done in this way. I thought they used some piping bag and make round shapes! Oh my, this would definitely make life easier. Now I could try this recipe. Thanks for the steps!

  3. Thanks for the step by step guide, now I know how the swirls are made :D

  4. I wanted to bake Zebra cake long time ago, I will definitely try this out soon since you are sharing so detail steps. Thank you dear.

  5. zebra cake? nice cute name, matches the cake perfectly. thanks for sharing.

  6. ohhh this is how the magic happened! thanks for the tips! I wanna bake such cake too :D

  7. Wonderful...thanks for the step by step process... looks great.

  8. Wow, now I know how zebra cake is made. Thanks for sharing the process. Gonna try my hands on this.

  9. You're welcome Maya. :)

    Thanks Belinda.

    You are welcome Tracie, yes it's not that difficult. ;)

    You're welcome noobcook.

    No problem Ling.

    You're welcome Sonia. Yup anyone can make this!

    You're welcome My Taste Heaven.

    You're welcome Rita. Now you can make this too!

    Thanks Nostalgia.

    You're welcome Corine. Good Luck!

  10. Ahhh... that's how it is done! I would love to make this one day!! :)

  11. Great cake idea....Enjoyed your blog! xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  12. Wow thank you! That's super easy hahaha.

  13. ohhh ARE the chinese restaurant in your town :)

  14. Nice tips. Thks. Maybe next time i will try this method for rainbow cake.

  15. Yeah, try it mycookinghut.

    Thanks Kathy. :)

    Easy leh SIG, and now you know. :)

    Rita, *blush* but something I want others to cook for me.

    Great idea with Rainbow cake, I thought they used the same method for rainbow cake, just three colors.

  16. I really salute you for taking the trouble to show the step-by-step process. And yet churn out a beautiful cake. I would have messed it up from the word go if I had to take photos on top of managing the 2 batters! Kudos to you.

  17. So pretty! I always wonder how they do it. Thanks for the instructions!

  18. Very interesting, first time I've seen a cake like this!

  19. Hihi,

    I tried the zebra cake today, using a recipe from a different source. I didn't get a dark cocoa batter like yours. =( I used 2 tbsps of Hershey's unsweetened cocoa powder and I think mine looked kinda weird. hehe... Should I used the special dark cocoa instead? I will try again using your recipe next time. ;)

  20. Hi Corine, yes you need to use the special dark Hershey's cocoa powder for the dark color. Feedback to me when you tried my recipe. This banana cake recipe is my favorite, very soft and moist. I used this recipe often to make banana cake.

  21. Thanks,I will feedback to you once I tried your recipe. Btw, I have an award for you. Do come and grab it. =)


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