Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Roast Chicken with Garlic and Thymes

I tried a new chicken recipe for my Thanksgiving dinner. This recipe can be done last minute as it doesn't need to be marinated/seasoned before hand. This chicken was fragrant and tasted divine. You can eat the garlic together with the chicken or spread it on bread to enjoy. Remember to place the garlic close and underneath the chicken when baking or else it will be burned and turned rock hard. You can substitute the dried thyme with fresh thyme. Stuff a few inside and sprinkle some cut thyme on the skin.


  • 1 whole chicken
  • 2 Tbsp. butter, melted
  • 25 cloves of garlic (with skin) toast with some olive oil
  • 1 lemon
  • Dried Thyme
  • Kosher salt
  • Black Pepper


1. Clean the chicken, pat it dry with paper towel. Brush the skin with melted butter, any leftover butter, pour it into the chicken cavity or inside the skin.

2. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze half lemon on each side. Stuff half squeezed lemon inside the chicken. Generously sprinkle both sides of chicken with kosher salt, black pepper and some dried thyme. Sprinkle some inside the chicken cavity as well.

3. Preheat the oven to 375'F. Place chicken breasts side up on a aluminum lined baking pan and arrange garlic cloves close to the chicken. Bake for 1 hour 30-45 minutes or until cooked.
Rest for 5 minutes before cutting.


  1. I'm starving. I had supper at 5PM, but can't sleep now. May I have some?

  2. I caught myself staring at your chicken photos with great passion..I think we will have this for dinner :-) soo yummy

  3. Help yourself Indo!

    Thanks Food Hunter.

    Hope you like it too Dhanggit!

  4. I love roast chicken anything compare with Turkey!! yummy!!

  5. I really love roast chicken with thyme. I like to stuff butter under the skin too - not so healthy but very yummy hehe

  6. I´ll try it. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  7. Ching, thanks for posting the recipe. Will give it a try soonest!


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