Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Whole Wheat Oats Cranberries Cookies

I loved cookies! A cookies lover since young and coming from Asia, we were used to the hard and crunchy cookies. I only got introduced to soft or soft and chewy cookies when I came to America. It got some getting used to but frankly I am still not use to the soft cookies. My hubby brought back some cookies from his office and it was so soft that it disintegrated into pieces, not only that it was very sweet too. It was nothing like eating cookies at all, more like eating soft dough. Needless to say, I am still not a fan of soft cookies but I like the chewy and soft cookies (yet not too soft) like the one I made here.

I am also for healthier cookies so I experimented with whole wheat flour, rolled oats and dried cranberries for this cookies. I made this cookies before using all-purpose flour and the texture was different, with AP flour the cookies spread out and chewier. With whole wheat flour, it didn't spread out as much during baking. Regardless, it is still a tasty cookies to us. You can change the dried fruit to what you have a home. A healthier cookies to make to give to your friends during this Holidays season eh?

~Yield about 33 cookies. Feel free to double the recipe!



  • 1/2 cup (1 stick/113 g) butter, soften
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 cup roll oats
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries


1. In a big mixing bowl, add in (A), beat with electric beater until creamy. Add in (B) and beat again until combined. Then, add in (C) and beat again until well incorporated. Lastly add in (D) and stir with a spatula until well mixed.

2. Prepare your baking sheets with parchment paper. Turn the oven to 350'F or convection oven to 325'F. Use the smallest cookie scoop and scoop cookie dough on parchment paper.
Place the cookie dough 1-1.5 inch apart as it will spread out when baking.

3. Bake for 10 minutes. Cookies will be brown on edges and soft in the center. Remove and let the cookies rest in the baking sheets for 2 minutes before carefully transferring them to cool completely on wire racks. Store cookies in an airtight container.


  1. You aren't helping me with my diet.

    Thanks to those pictures of your cookies you have inspired me to go into my kitchen and eat a handful of girl scout cookies from my recent delivery.

  2. yay to soft chewy and healthy cookies...i so wanna try this but so lazy to get whole wheat flour...(aiya too much laziness here)

  3. This looks really healthy with the oats and cranberries :)

  4. 舉手舉腳贊同!!

    I only learned about chewy, soft cookies during my stay in the U.S. Americans judge how good the cookies are by these qualities! And yes! They're almost always TOO SWEET for our Asian palate! I couldn't believe at first because I was so used to the "crunchy, crispy, crumbly, shortbread-y cookie concept!"

    Anyhow, it's good to be culturally diverse and open-minded right? Yours look yummy!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you though we're both Malaysian LOL!


  5. Very healthy Cookies. I would love to try them out :)

  6. Thanks noobcook.

    Hope you like it Tracie!

    Haha...yeah lots of culture shocks we have here. Happy Thanksgiving to you & family too!

    Haha Rita, just grab one when you shop for all-purpose flour. ;)

    Oops! Sorry Dan. Guess I'm not really helping you there. Luckily you stopped at a handful. :P

  7. I wish someone made these for me.

  8. You two little gals are so lovely! esp the younger one with such lush black hair :) Hope my little 19 mths old gal will turn out like that hee. Chanced upon your website while looking at My Kitchen Snippet's as I was looking for a curry chicken recipe. Thanks for posting your recipes and taking such nice pics. Will def refer to your site again for more recipes :) Soo Yee

  9. OMG! This is so yummy and healthy too! I wish to make some cookies for the coming festive season too!

  10. I bet this cookies must taste good! I like to use oat in my cookies too!

  11. Love oatmeal in my cookies. These looks perfect!

  12. Oh Yeah! Cookie are MY thing too. And this has an added bonus in it-fibre from wheat and oats. =)

  13. I love these cookies, I was looking for healthy cookies using less sugar. The cookies were alittle hard on the outside and soft on the inside. I did make a slight change, I added dark chocolate chips, just a few. The tangy of the cranberry and sweetness of the chocolate...YUMMY! I'll be making more!

  14. I loved this cookies too ghadagori! I tried it with semi-sweet chocolate chips and I know it's delicious. Glad you liked it too.


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