Friday, October 02, 2009

Duo Colors Marbled Tang Yuan (Glutinous Rice Balls)

I saw this recipe on CCTV4 TV food program, "Everyday Food" and thought what an excellent idea! Thought I share it with my readers here, so we will have another way to serve our favorite dessert "Tang Yuan". As I mentioned earlier, in order to incorporate more diary into the Chinese families diet, they have used fresh milk in cooking and making dessert. Usually we used water to make glutinous rice balls but for your own family consumption, you now have the option to use fresh milk for extra nutrient, what an excellent idea right? Also, I never thought that I can add cocoa powder into making my glutinous rice balls too, we usually just use the different colorings. Can you tell, I really learned a lot from this episode. It looked too pretty not to try it out especially all of us adored "Tang Yuan". So, I gave it a go and really liked it, you can give it a try too!

I want to wish my readers a "Happy Mid-Autumn/ Moon Cake Festival" too! Enjoy the mooncakes, food, full moon and good company!


White dough:
glutinous rice flour + milk

Brown dough:
glutinous rice flour + cocoa powder + milk

Red bean paste, roll into ball shape

Water + Gula Melaka (or brown sugar) or (1 cup water + 1 cup sugar + a drop of almond extract)

Pictures Guide:

Lay the brown log shape dough side by side with the white log shape dough.

Twist them together.

Cut it into pieces.

Flatten each piece with a roller or hand and place red bean paste in the middle. Close it and make into ball shape.

Like this. Very pretty right? :-)


1. In a bowl, add in white glutinous flour and a little milk at a time. Knead until a dough is formed. In another bowl, add in white glutinous flour + a little cocoa powder + milk (a little at a time) and knead until a dough is formed. At the meantime, also roll the red bean paste into balls for easy filling.

2. Roll each dough (white and brown) into a long log shape and intertwine both together. Cut into pieces. Take one, roll into flat circle and put filling inside, close it and roll into a ball shape. Finish the rest.

3. Bring a pot of water into a boil. When boiling, add the glutinous balls into the boiling water. When it floats to the top, dish out and place into individual bowl. Dissolve some Gula Melaka (or Chinese brown sugar) with a piece of ginger as Syrup for the tang yuan. Or just plain syrup with a drop of almond extract (optional) (1 cup water + 1 cup sugar + a drop of almond extract).


  1. Very funny, Congruatulation !!

  2. I like this! I'll try replicating them for this year's winter solstice in December!

  3. making tang yuan from scratch is wonderful enough, and you turned em into such pretty marbled ones! :) lovely. x

  4. Another creative way of making Tang Yuen.
    Happy Mooncake Festival to U and family.

  5. happy mid autumn festival to you and family!1 no mooncake...huh? great idea to use marble color tang yuan with filling..!! I like my tang yuen wt filling esp peabut and red bean too!

  6. Hahahaha!! This is cute. =)

    ... The final product before it is cooked... reminds me of a cow's hide...

  7. It is pretty. Thanks for sharing this idea.

  8. This is modern tang yuan leh! :p

  9. Thanks SP, you too!

    Thanks Colargol.

    You're welcome Quinn. It's definitely different than the norm. :)

    Thanks diva. Stole the idea from a Chinese chef actually. :p

    Thanks Sweet Jasmine, you too!

    Thanks SIG. :)

    Thanks Les, you too! Yeah no mooncake, I haven't have the urge to make my own mooncake yet. But we had store-bought mooncakes. ;)

    Thanks JSB. Cow's hide huh? LOL!

    You're welcome Hugbear. Too good not to share. :)

    Haha Tigerfish, modern one huh? I like it! :)

  10. wah ... your tang yuan makes me drool. Very nice - I also never thought of making a chocolate combination. I have to get myself to make my very own red bean paste. Have you made it yourself before?

  11. I love this type of tang yuan especially those with fillings.

  12. Cooking Ninja, yeah I tried it once, a lot of work because for the smooth red bean paste, we have to sieve it to rid of skin, too much work for me. :P

    Gert, me too, taste good with filling.

  13. Looks georgeous Ching. How are you?. It´s a long time I don´t post something.Nice to see that you keep posting delicious things.

  14. Yes! These is very pretty! So cute and flavourful! So nice to eat them during cold weather!

  15. This is so creative. For some reason, it reminds me of zebra or cow prints hehe

  16. Same old Retno, yeah I have noticed you have been absence lately. Glad to see a new post though. :)

    Thanks Bits of Taste. More work compared to the norm, but very unique. Hehe...

    Agreed noobcook, kinda reminded me of that too.


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