Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Creamy Corn Tofu

I created this dish by accident one night. I had a block of silken tofu for dinner but had no idea how to cook it. I looked through my pantry and saw a canned of creamy corns and thought why not? It should pair well together as we loved the creamy chicken corn soup with tofu. And I was right, this dish was so easy to put together and guarantee deliciousness. Smashed the silken tofu and served the rice with lots of creamy corn sauce. You can have this dish along and be satisfied. If you don't have the chicken stock granules, you can substitute it with a little sugar. Try this dish on one of your lazy nights, hey it's healthy too.


  • 1 canned of creamy corns
  • 1 pack of soft tofu or silken tofu, sliced in half diagonally
  • 2 scallion, chopped
  • Salt to taste
  • Chicken stock granules to taste
  • 1/2 cup water


1. In a heated wok, add in 1/2 cup of water and one canned of creamy corns. Stir to mix well and let it boil. When boiling, add in the salt and chicken stock granules.
Mix well.

2. Then, slowly slide in the silken tofu. Scoop the creamy corn sauce on top and heat up the tofu. Let it boil for few minutes or until the tofu is hot. Turn off the heat and add in the scallion. Serve on a big plate.


  1. oh! brilliant idea! i must try try....this dish is perfect for sous chef's diet

  2. Really a simple and healthy dish! Yummy! It will be great to add some chicken meat and shitaki mushrooms. Another one-dish meal!

  3. Perfect combination of texture and taste.

  4. By accidently, also can created so nice dish,,yum yumm

  5. what a lovely tofu dish!! Mishu love corn egg drop soup,she call bumble-berry-bumble soup!! lol!! I think she found that name from her cartoon ...maybe I add in tofu in the corn soup,she will called bumble-berry-bumble FU!!

  6. wooo, my favourite the smooth texture, a must have for my family every week!

  7. I'm such a big fan of corn that this appeals to me straight away!!!

  8. We have creamy corn with diced pork (chicken, fish)and serve it over rice when we were little. I never thought of using tofu. This is such a great idea! Thanks so much!

  9. This sounds so simple and looks really delicious! Will def go well with rice!

  10. we r trying to do a one week tofu challenge , this can be one of the dish!!

  11. Corn and tofu, I never thought of adding those two together, sounds good.


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