Friday, September 11, 2009

Tom Yam Kai or Tom Yam Chicken

Instead of the Tom Yam Shrimps, sometimes I would just make Tom Yam Chicken. With the availability of Tom Yam paste in most Asian stores, this dish is easy to whip up. A fast, easy and delicious dinner just a few minutes away from the pan to the table. I love the sour gravy to eat with my rice. You can also add tomatoes and fresh mushroom for more vegetable choice. I omitted the bird-eye chili (Thai's chili) here in consideration for my girls. Before that, I would dump lots of bird-eye chilies for the spicy and sour taste. Come to think of it, I haven't really cooked a REAL spicy dish after my girls were born except those came in ready premix packets. Did you change the way you cook after your kid is born? I, for one would not cook a separate dish for them, they have to learn to eat what we eat, but I did compromise by not making it too spicy by not adding extra chili.


  • 1 skinless and boneless chicken breast, sliced
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, cubed
  • 1/2 red onion, sliced
  • 1 small carrot, sliced
  • 1 lemon grass, sliced
  • A small bunch of cilantro, washed and cut
  • 2 Tbsp. of Tom Yam paste (I used Lee brand)
  • Lime juice to taste
  • A little sugar
  • Fish sauce/ salt
  • Water to cover


1. In a saucepan, add in a little oil, stir-fry lemon grass and red onion until fragrant. Add in chicken and bell pepper, stir-fry until half cooked, add in water to cover.

2. When boiling, add in tom yam paste, lime juice and sugar. Let it simmer for 10 minutes and season to taste with fish sauce or salt.


  1. Nice! Some sweet and sour to add to rice with this.

    I also use the paste on fried rice and noodles too!

  2. This one looks REAL spicy to me. ;) But I am a chilli lover so no problem. I think it's a gift to be able to appreciate chilli in dishes, it is just wonderful!

  3. Without bird eye chili, it will not taste so nice.Anyway, due to kids, we have no choice..

  4. what a lovely dish!! tom yam is mine and Mishu favourite dish but too bad right now she can just admire from far if I eat..maybe I will cook tom yam fish or seafood for us again after she not in straight diet.

  5. I always have a jar of tom yam paste in my fridge. I put it in my stir-fry, soup and fried rice. It's very handy.

  6. Daphne, me too! ;)

    Haha homeladychef, yeah it looks kinda spicy but it's more toward sour. We try to teach our daughters to appreciate spicy food too.

    Yup Sonia, have to compromise, unless I cook a different dish for them, but this lazy mom is surely lazy. :P

    What Les? Are you saying she cannot have chicken too?

    Me too SP!

    Me too Gert, very handy for a lazy me. LOL! I hardly make any spice paste from scratch. :P My blog tells it all. :P

  7. This looks super yummy! Love spicy and sour food!

  8. why didn't i think of cooking tomyam with chicken... i really should try this, really really should...

  9. YUM!!! I love Tom Yum .. tom yam seafood, tom yam chicken, tom yam whatever , I just can't get enough of Tom Yum dishes... !!

  10. looks so good and yes with spice's quick. i am sure the way i cook will change if there are kids...cos we want them to be as healthy as they can be, right?

  11. I have a bottle of Tom Yam paste in my storage - keeping for winter :) The best way to warm up during winter is hving spicy soup noodle. :)

    Your Tom Yam Kai looks fantastic. :)

  12. hahahh this is my favourite soup, hot, spicy and sweet! :)


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