Saturday, August 29, 2009

Strawberry Yogurt Cupcakes

What happen to you when you learned that you are going to have visitors at your home in few hours? And you have nothing to serve them with tea? Of course I have to think of something to make quick with whatever I have at my house at that moment. I found some strawberry yogurts that I bought for my girls in the fridge and my mind was set. I whipped this up in as little time as possible as this recipe only required a hand whisk and a big bowl. The end result was some soft and moist strawberry yogurt cupcakes. This recipe gave me 17 cupcakes.


  • 1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1 cup sugar


  • 3/4 cup strawberry flavored yogurt
  • 3 large eggs, whisk
  • 2 Tbsp. whole milk
  • 1 tsp. imitation strawberry extract
  • A drop of red coloring
  • 1/2 cup canola oil


1. Preheat oven to 350'F. Place paper cups in the muffin pan.

2. In a big bowl, add in (A). Whisk to combine.

3. Then, make a hole in the center and add in (B). Whisk and blend until incorporated.

4. Lastly, scoop the batter into each paper cups until 3/4 full.

5. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack. Store in air-tight container in the refrigerator. It's nice and soft eaten cold too. Or just let it rest for 5 minutes at room-temperature before consuming.


  1. Tks for all ur simple recipes lately, will do this one, and yay, arm power! Not like the steamed cake one where my arm nearly broke off! Hahah!

  2. I like the pinky colour and the cake texture look really moist and soft, and this is so simple recipe, I would love to try it soon. Thanks for sharing. I bet your visitors will enjoy them very much..

  3. Soo creative! I would have probably serve some tea and..errr.. biscuits? LOL

  4. SIG, this one doesn't really need a lot of arm power, basically just stir and mix. The steamed cake one really needs to use the machine. ;)

    Yes Sonia, they said it was nice, so I gave them some to take home. :)

    LOL Daphne!

    Thanks SP. :)

  5. I love everything with strawberry. This would be a nice cake to go with tea.

  6. It's so sweet!

    yeah simple recipes are the best esp when you're in a hurry.

  7. wow...and they are so pink and pretty and fluffy!

  8. you can just think up a cupcake recipe on the go! Love the pink :)

  9. That's quick and easy one for some snacks for sudden guest...will give it a try soon..

  10. Really nice pinky cupcake :)
    I'm new in "baking", and one stupid question to ask. "Is it ok to bake cupcake without the muffin tray? "

  11. Hi YY, unless your cupcake paper is very strong and can hold the batter without changing shape. Then you can use without the muffin tray.

  12. Hi Ching,

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes. I have tried this recipe yesterday, but I not too sure on the grams conversion. Hope you could confirm if I have converted them right:

    Flour - 192g
    Sugar - 200g
    Oil -170g
    Yogurt - 255g

    I am confused with the different sets of conversion tables in the website, giving different conversion. I hope to get it right so that I will not have problem for my future measurement. Also, for the 3 large eggs whisked, am I right to gently beat it with a hand whisk?

    I am new to you blog, and hoping try more of your goodies...

    Thanks for your attention and hope to hear from you.


  13. Hi Ivy,
    Refer to this page for conversions.

    My conversions for this recipe would be:

    Flour 192g
    Sugar 201g
    Yogurt 6oz or 178g
    Oil 118g

    Hope it helps.

  14. Hi,

    May I know what sugar are you using - castor sugar or fine sugar?

    Thanks for sharing.

  15. Hi Anon, it's castor sugar unless stated otherwise.

  16. I would like to try this strawberry cupcakes. Can I substitute whole milk and strawberry extract with strawberry fresh milk? How much strawberry fresh milk should I use?

  17. Corinna, use 2 Tbsp + 1 tsp. of strawberry milk.

  18. Hi,

    Nice to find your blog. Have tried to make strawberry cupcakes as stated on your blog. However, my cupcakes turned very sticky & not fluffy.
    Fyi, I used marigold strawberry yogurt.

    Any suggestion or advice? Thanks a lot!

  19. Hi Fang Fang, this cupcake is not the fluffy type, just soft (I enlarged the pic. of the inside of the cupcake right? If yours look the same then you got it right) and the top would turn sticky on the second day.

  20. I truly love the recipe!! I'm 16 years old and i made these for a school event and it was a big hit !! Your blog is fantastic !!

  21. Thank you for your feedback Afnaan! I'm so happy that you loved it and it was a big hit at your school event. :)


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