Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our Camping Trip (Part 1)

After 3.5 years of camping hiatus, we finally geared up for our long awaited camping trip. It was Evy second time and Edda first. We love camping in the national forest where there was some distant between campers and lots of shades. This seem to be our favorite place to go camping as it had everything, a trail to a lake, lots of trees & shades, restrooms, fire pit, water supply and the basic necessity for a camper site. Now, I will let the pictures speak for itself.

Our campsite.

Lots of shades, it's shaded all day long.

The campground.

Our SUV was packed to the brim! This is what we called car loaded camping.

Inside the tent. Edda was happy sleeping in her Dora cushion bed.

Evy was helping me taking the water out from the truck.

Edda wanted to be a little helper too!

Enjoying their breakfast of apple juice and matcha castella cake.

Happy, happy!

Let's pose for the camera!

Trying to build a wood castle from the pile below.

Heeya! KungFu fighting jump!

I thought this was super cute!

Haha, now I could see you!

Stay tuned for part 2 when we walked to the lake and what's serving for our camping lunch!


  1. awww.. they both look so cute.. Will stay tune for your part two =)

  2. 权雄一直遗憾在美国的时候


  3. evy looks different now, like a little lady. edda has grown quite a bit, huh? your camping trip looks so fun, can't wait for part 2.

  4. wow!! look like you guys have fun camping!! both your princess really look grown up especially Edda.She really look like you!!I don't mind camping but hubby not interested at all.he said why he wanna to feed buggy and mosquito!!anything outdoor is not for him but I'm opposite ..*sigh* dunno when I have the chance to go camping:(

  5. Your two kids look really happy and have fun there, and they are so cute. I like to bring my kids go to this kind outing too, but we have not tried to stay overnight. Looking forward more outing photos from you.

  6. I want to do camping when I go back!
    Nice photos.

  7. Looks like you and your family had a great time :) Evy and Edda are both so sweet!

  8. Wow! It must be very fun for the whole family, especially your kids. How I envy you that you are able to go camping in the States. We are not able to do such things here in Singapore.

  9. such lovely, enjoyable bonding time for the family ... envy, envy...

    think our last camping time was like 30 yrs ago with my girls.

  10. Hi Ching,

    Both your daughter are so beautiful.
    They seems to enjoy the camping trip.


  11. Hi, your camping pictures.. Your daughters are so adorable and pretty..I too just got back from a trip to east Canada and then to New York City...My Hubby did all the driving..We were all very tired,but had a lovely time..

  12. your girls are real cutie pies! must be so great to be out there in the colorado wilderness. i can only dream...

  13. oooooooo so adorable.... and cute....


    i wish me and my family can have a trip of camping too..... forget when is the last time we have it liao... :(

  14. your daughters are so cute in those pictures, they surely must had a great time camping... my family don't usually do this kinda activity and i secretly wish that we had...

  15. Thanks Tracie. Coming tomorrow. :)

    SP, yeah it sure it's a pity. if by any chance, you two get to visit here again during summer, this is a thing to do.

    Yes Skinnymum, my girls have grown up quite a bit. Evy will go to kindergarten next month, there will be any change in our routine.

    Haha Les, yeah now everyone said Edda looks like me and Evy looks like daddy. Awww... that's too bad lah, is there any other way you can convince him to go camping? I really love the outdoor and nature, and the food seem to be delicious when cooked outdoor with minimal ingredients too. :P It is fun even though the sleeping condition is better than at home, it's an experience you should experience in US. Really hope you can change his mind. If he dislikes buggy, ask him to use the repellent. Good Luck!

    Thanks Sonia. Will sure to post more outing pictures when I have them.

    Yeah you should Tigerfish! So, you are moving back to California huh? ;)

    Thanks Ting. :)

    Anon, what about go camping in M'sia?

    Yeah it was great Peony. If you want, you can go camping with your grand kids right? ;)

    Thanks Mixue, yeah they loved it.

    Thanks Sue. We never been to east Canada and NYC too, definitely on my must go list. Just thinking of the long hour drive put it off, might have to fly there and rent a car to drive around.

    Thanks Nyonya. Well, why dream, you can still enjoy the Malaysia wilderness right? You can go camping at the national parks in Malaysia too. There is one near PJ, if I can only remember the name, you can camp, rent a bicycle to ride around and other activities, even cabin to rent.

    PenangTuaPui, then set a date, go reserve the campsite and just go! Time pass while you are thinking about it, so don't, just go do it! :)

  16. Thanks Cindy. But why secretly wish? Voice it out and do some research on the web, find a place that you all can go. If tent camping is too primitive, can go for cabin, more comfortable and easier for elders. If you plan everything nicely, you will have more persuasive power, furthermore it's for family bonding. Try it yeah?

  17. I just love looking at your cute daughters. They are just adorable! I wish we can go camping too but my husband is not the rough it out kind of person :(

  18. Gert, "Bor Bien lah" for you, just like Lesley. Perhaps cabin and lodge house more your hubby kind ya.

    Thanks pigpigs. :)

  19. Hi!Amber here. I just noticed that LKOM is belong to you :)You are really great in cooking and baking.I did tried some of your recipe D.Next will be your Kuih Bangkit.Oh yes!The two campsite looks great.Can I know where is that two?

  20. Hi Amber, didn't know you have a blog too. Cool, I met Sock Peng through her blog actually. This is the link to the Rampart Reservoir and the two campgrounds inside. We stayed in Thunder Ridge campground, you can make the reservation in advance on the Website. I "think" the two campsites that have the view of the lake/reservoir are 11 & 12, 13 might be too, not sure. We are going next weekend actually, got to squeeze in another camping trip for the kids before the weather gets too cold.

    Great! good luck with my kuih bangkit recipe. I love that recipe and have been making it every CNY. Wah, so fast searching for CNY cookies recipes already ah? :) The peanut cookies is a must try also, just like what Penang/Hokkein lang like, my two grandmas in Alor Star and Sungai Petani always made this type, very memorable.

    Ok, I want to go visit your blog now. :)

    Oops, the link is here:

  21. Hi dear!Thanks!I just start to cook recently.Today will try ur Siew Mai :)Thanks for sharing all your great recipe and do enjoy ur camping trip ya.


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