Friday, July 03, 2009

Cheesecake Cups

I loved to buy cream cheese when it was on sales, just for the "just in case" I need it moment. Then, often time because of my laziness, the cream cheese will left untouched. I really need to do something before the cream cheese past the expiration date and I found this mini cheesecake cups very easy. I used my roasted edamame cookies as base for these cheesecake cups, if you asked me, any round cookies would do. Then prepare an easy cheesecake mix and it was all set. I would recommend you to decorate the cheesecake cups as you desired as it will make it prettier and more presentable. ;) This is definitely an easy party dessert or treat for little kids.
I like the bite size serving too!

Plain ones

Ingredients: (Yield 12 cheesecake cups)


  • Round cookie of your choice (Nilla wafers, chocolate chips, butter cookies, etc.)

Cheesecake topping:

  • 1 pkg (8oz) cream cheese, soften
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg

With strawberry preserved


1. Lined paper cups in muffin pan. Add in round cookie of your choice.

2. In a mixing bowl, add in cream cheese, sugar and vanilla, beat with an electric mixer until blended. Add in egg and mix until blended. Spoon cream cheese on top of each cookie cups, divide among 12.

3. Bake at preheated 350'F for 13-15 minutes or until center is almost set. Cool. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Decorate with gels, sprinkles, fruit preserved, chocolate syrup, whipped cream if desired. Store in refrigerator.


  1. look creamy and cute!! love cream cheese in any type..

  2. This recipe just look simple to prepare, will try it out soon.

  3. i though u put tomato sauce on cheesecake

  4. So adorable!! Definitely a great recipe for kids!

  5. Thanks Beachlover, me too. :)

    Yes Emile, very simple. :P

    Haha SP, no sure how it would taste with tomato sauce?

    Thanks F4Tots. :)

  6. this looks very creative and really good as well ;)

  7. this is so awesomely cute, so suitable for kids! small portion! :)

  8. This is so dainty and inviting....

  9. Hi, I've got the same mentality too. Buy lots and stock up. I'm still left with 1 pack of cream cheese that will be expiring in Aug. Will love to give this a try. =)

  10. this is definately a must try..its just so simple and easy! thank you for sharing!

  11. can i do this without the cookie base?


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