Friday, June 12, 2009

Sweet Potatoes Sago Dessert

We loved this dessert. When the sweet potatoes is on sales in the supermarket, I will buy some to make this dessert for my family. It is like killing two birds in one stone. I get to enjoy the Chinese brown sugar with ginger drink with the super food sweet potatoes! I will cook a big pot and enjoy it for couple of days. A small bowl for afternoon snack and another one after dinner. Ha! I think I will gain a pound or two whenever I cook any Chinese dessert. :P


  • 2 sweet potatoes, cut into cubes
  • 1 cup tiny size sago (sago pearls, available in Asian store)
  • 6 slices of thinly sliced gingers
  • Chinese brown sugar to taste
  • Water to cover double the amount of sweet potatoes


1. Rinse sago under water. Heat a saucepan with water, more than triple the amount of sago and let it boil. When boiled, add in sago and stir to separate. Turn the heat to low and let it boil for 10 minutes. Then, turn the heat off, cover the saucepan and let the sago to continue to cook for another 15 minutes. It should turn transparent after this. Rinse the sago in a fine large sieve under cold running water to separate them. Put on a bowl and set aside.

2. Boil another pot of water until boiling. Then, add cubed sweet potatoes and ginger slices, turn the heat to low, cover and let it simmer for 20-25 minutes or until the sweet potatoes have soften (test with a fork). Then, add in Chinese brown sugar to taste. Stir until sugar dissolved, turn the heat off and add in sago pearls, give a little stir. Keep leftover in the refrigerator, it is nice eaten cold too.


  1. This could be like bubur cha cha with the addition of coconut milk.

  2. i love sweet potatoes. i use them to make sweet potato congee.

  3. I loooove sago so much!This looks like a very nice dessert or snack..

  4. That's right sweet jasmine! :)

    Me too Pearl, but have yet to make congee with it.

    Yes Peachkins. But if you like sago, try my sago gula melaka dessert, that was all sago and really yummy. :)

  5. hi there,
    I have just cooked this recipe and it s good...but can you pls tell me why I tried so hard to make the sago soft and some still stay white(uncooked) in the middle..haha,pls let me where I didn't do right...thank you

  6. Hi anon, if your sago still uncooked, next time you just boil longer, like 15 mins vs 10 mins. ;)


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