Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Stir Fried ShanDong Ramen (山东拉面)

ShanDong ramen (山东拉面) is a Chinese style dried noodle. It came in three different sizes, thin, medium and thick. The one I got here is medium. It is suitable for cold noodle, in soup or stir-fry. I usually used it in stir-fry, I guess it is easier than cook up a flavorful stock to go with the ramen. I think Taiwanese used this kind of dried noodle for their beef noodle soup.

Below are the ingredients and sauce that I used. My usual sauce for stir-frying noodle as I don't know the secret sauce that the restaurant used. Is there a secret sauce? Anyone knows and willing to share? Or you know or use a different sauce mix for your stir fry noodle than me, please share with me ya. I really cut down on my dark soy sauce for this noodle as I like my dishes dark but wanted a change here to mimic the color of the restaurant "lor mian". Of course Chinese dishes are very versatile, you can add or change the ingredients to what you have at home.


  • ShanDong ramen, cooked in boiling water according to direction, drain with cold water running.
  • Bean Sprouts, a bowl
  • Carrot, thinly sliced
  • Yellow onion, thinly sliced
  • Garlic, chopped
  • Pork marinated in soy sauce, rice wine, white pepper and cornstarch

Oyster sauce, Dark soy sauce, sesame oil, salt and sugar to taste.

I would love to share this dish with Presto Pasta Night . Presto Pasta Night was created by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast. This week host is Tigerfish at Teczcape-an escape to Food. Please hop over on Friday, May 8th to see the round up. Thanks!


  1. This is one of my favourite. It is delicious!

  2. a bit hungry see ur ramen at midnight

  3. oyster sauce + soy sauce sound good! the dark soy sauce doesn't add to much saltiness :)

  4. I've never had this type of ramen, wonder what's the texture like but it sure looks yummy.

  5. It looks delicious as always. The sauce recipe could be used for many different stir fries, right? YUmmmy

  6. I haven't heard of this type of Chinese ramen b4 but looks good. The noodles look a bit like yee mien :D

  7. Looks really really delicious!

  8. i habent tried shandong ramen before (or i've tried and i didn't realize it - silly me)...but the noodles look like they have the thickness and chewiness that i love...i'll search for them

  9. Yeah right Taste of My Life, also different sizes of the noodle can create different noodle dish.

    Hehe Sock Peng. :P

    Yeah Pearl. But dark soy sauce add the dark color that I liked. :P

    Pigpigscorner, the texture is a bit chewy. Like Rita described below.

    Thanks Jean.

    Yes, Mrs. JP. The sauce combo can be used in various stir-fry like meat and poultry dishes plus different type of Asian noodle. :)

    Noobcook, it comes in rectangle box and the noodle is white in color and flat.

    Hi Rita, the noodle is exactly you described. Go search for it!

  10. The noodle looks like linguine, ye?

  11. Your photo does have me drooling. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  12. Hey. Ihad Shandong La Mian but didn't know waht to do with it. But thanks to google and your great post, I had a tasty dinner:)

  13. So great to read that, embeeh. Glad you liked it. :)


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