Saturday, May 16, 2009

American Ginseng Chicken Herbal Soup (洋参须鸡汤)

Hmm...I don't know how to call this 洋参须 in English and the one I found on the net was translated by Noobcook as American Ginseng Beard/ Fiber 洋参须. You can visit her site here for picture and explanation. This is the cheapest type of American Ginseng and available in most Asian stores. Instead of the Ginseng root, this is like the hair under the root. American Ginseng is traditionally used to increase energy, relieve stress, enhance the immune system and provide overall health. Normally I boil it with water for 10-15 minutes on the stove and pour as drink to sooth sore throat or make it into chicken herbal soup to drink once a month. The taste of this herbal soup is not as delicious (a bit bitter) as Dong Quai so often time I prefer to cook Dong Quai herbal soup so that my girls can enjoy some herbal soup.


  • 2 Chicken drumsticks
  • About 1-1.5 Tbsp. American Ginseng Beard, 洋参须 (too much of this will cause the soup to be bitter)
  • 10 pieces of dried Polygonatum (Yok Chook)
  • 10 Chinese dried red dates
  • 1 Tbsp. wolfberrie/Goji berries (kee chi)
  • 6 dried longans
  • 1000ml water
  • 1 tsp. salt

(For pictures of the above herbs, visit my link here)


1. In a stock pot, add in the water and let it boiled. Rinse all the herbs with water, drained.

2. When boiled, add in the chicken drumsticks and the rest of the ingredients except salt.

3. When boiled again, turn the heat to low and let it simmer for 3-4 hours. Season to taste with salt and serve hot.


  1. ahh the dishes you make remind me so much of my childhood with grandma!

  2. Nothing beats a bowl of home made soup!

  3. reminded me of my mum's cooking... miss her

  4. when stayed at C Spring, i always cook herbal soup
    nowaday, seldom cook

  5. healthy and yummy soup!!I love chicken wt ginseng soup!! now you remind me to make some soup again b4 the weather is too hot..I still have wild ginseng in freezer!

  6. I love this soup- like u said, it is good for health! Took a while before i got used to it though! LOL

    So lovely to have a chance to check out blogs again!! =)

  7. Love this soup! We're into protein food this season haha. Nourishing, good for the soul, and healthy of course. ;)

  8. Hmm...I can drink the whole bowl of this! You have reminded what to cook next week, hehe....

  9. hmm ... how years already I haven't had any herbal soup :p I don't even know how to make one.

  10. I don't know why hardly make this type of herbal soup. I should since it's good for health and I still have a big packet of tong gwai in the freezer.

  11. I think this soup also good for cold and healthy, add ginseng in the soup is knew for me.

  12. I enjoy herbal soup. The other day, I bought a couple from Eu Yang San. They not only sell their herbs but an expanded outlet for meals. So there's nourishing soups etc for lunch and dinner.

  13. I think my translation is off too... hehehe ... I love this soup and I think I'm gonna make it soon coz I feel 'heaty'. I like the sound of your Dong Quai soup as well, gonna try it out if I can find the herbs =)

  14. I wonder if the taste would be bitter?

  15. Chicken herbal soups love it this week i gonna publice one on my blog.

  16. BBOven, it is slightly bitter so cannot put too much ginseng floss, otherwise, not nice to drink.

  17. I always adore Chinese tonic soup, it's nostalgic, homey and reminiscent of those warmth herbal soups by mum. I broth black chicken herbal soup and ginseng root & chicken soup every now and then to replenish Qi. My family love soups heads over heels.


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