Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Steamed Fish Fillet with Chili Black Bean

I love to steam my fish in the oven. It is no fuss, no cleaning, super easy and ready in 10 minutes, who wouldn't love this method as compared to the traditional Chinese steaming method using a wok? To steamed fish, you just need to cover the whole fish in the aluminum foil and let it steam in the oven. After you done eating, just fold and toss away the aluminum foil. As easy as that! I was trying a new recipe for my steamed fish and it turned out so good so I would share it here and for my own record. It was a little spicy from the chili oil but not too bad, even my girls had no problem eating it. The saltiness came from the black bean and soy sauce. And I loved lots of ginger and garlic for extra flavor.


  • Fish fillet(s) of your choice
  • 1-2 Tbsp. Black bean in chili oil
  • 1 Tbsp. White cooking wine
  • 1.5 tsp. Soy sauce
  • 2-inch size of ginger, chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • One big piece of aluminum foil


1. Preheat the oven at 450'F. Then go prepare the fish fillet(s).

2. In a baking pan, lay the aluminum foil on top. Place the fish fillet(s) in. Fold the sides up so that the sauce wouldn't run out. Top the fish with chopped ginger and garlic. Then top it with black bean in chili oil, white wine and soy sauce. Fold the sides of aluminum foil together and seal it.

3. Place the baking pan in the preheated oven and bake for 10 minutes. When done, be careful when you open the seals as the steam would come out and it is pretty hot. Serve hot.


  1. I love to bake my fish this way too. I just did a piece of salmon for last night dinner. Like you said is so easy... just have to throw away the foil and no cleaning and washing :) :)

  2. Ya. Hv tried it before - I know it's easy and very tasty. :P

  3. this fish look so tempting, must be very yummy. Next time I will use oven to steam fish, thanks for the tips.

  4. yep..very good idea to steam in oven...more efficient

  5. Gimme me fish anytime,no problem,love it!

  6. Lovely steamed fish but I have not tried steaming food in oven. Although it's tempting like what u say, just fold after u are done n toss it out hehe.

  7. Looks delicious. And healthy too :)

  8. Gert, me too. Now I bake and steam my fish in the oven. A lot less thing to wash. :)

    High five Tigerfish! I finished my bottle of black bean in chili oil and I couldn't find it in the two Asian stores that I went. :(

    You're welcome Zola. ;)

    Thanks Danny! :)

    Me too Asian Kitchen! Tomorrow is fish day for us.

    SIG, you should try this method. It's really that simple, no kidding.

    Thanks Pooja. :)

  9. Dear fish lover,
    I love the way you prepared all your fish dishes. I have a special topping to recommend. It is called dou(4) su(1)..crispy soy bean. The crispy soy bean are packed in oil & sold in glass bottles. You just need to heat up 3-4Tb of crispy soy bean in a pan & place that over steamed/baked fish. Simply delectable!

  10. Hi Funny Mom,

    You have to rewrite the brand of the crispy soy bean because I couldn't make it out. I am using one brand that is quite similar, it's like a crispy chili soy bean in chili oil. Red packaging, got a female face on it, also in a glass bottle. Is it this one?

  11. Can never go wrong with black beans ;)

  12. The dou(4) su(1) that I told you about is not the one that has a female face on the bottle. I can send you a link to view the picture on my facebook a/c once I upload the picture...

  13. Okay thanks Funny Mom, a picture will be a great help. Hehe...


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