Monday, April 06, 2009

Red Bean Konnyaku Jelly

I was in the mood for some jelly and red bean jelly to be exact. The only jelly powder I had in my pantry was Konnyaku jelly powder, so Konnyaku jelly it was. I bought some mooncake jelly molds when I was in Malaysia last year so I thought this would be the perfect time to use it or open ceremony with it like we Chinese said. I do love this molds, making the jelly looking ultra cute. I wanted to make a red bean jelly because I had a canned of red bean and making a red bean jelly was much easier than making a red bean kuih even though both tasted great. Also I got to use my new jelly molds. :)

Here's my easy, refreshing and delicious red bean jelly recipe. No pre-cooking of red bean required. ;)



  • One packet of Redman Konnyaku jelly powder (10gm)
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 750ml water
  • 200ml whole milk (you can use skim or 2%)
  • One 475g (16.75oz) canned whole red bean (shelled) for dessert topping


1. In a bowl, mix (A) together and whisk to combine. Set aside.

2. In a medium pot, add 750ml water to boil. When boiling, add in (A). Whisk until sugar dissolved. Add milk and red bean, whisk to blend well.

3. Pour into jelly molds of your choice. Let it cool at room temperature before transferring it to harden completely in the refrigerator. Roughly 2-3 hours.
Serve chilled.


  1. oh wow I have never even heard of this, is it sweet?

  2. I had a lot of agar agar and konnyaku but never have any with read bean. Must be really good. I really like the mooncake mould design on the jelly. Beautiful.

  3. will make this for tea today. my daughter wil be thrilled cos she loves everything red beans!

    thanks for sharing.

  4. Hi Little Corner of Mine,

    I am your reader Angela from Multiply (Let's masak), coincidently Sock Peng's friend.

    I have started a new blog and have linked you up, hope you don't mind.

    My blog address:

  5. I love your mooncake mould. It makes the jelly looks special and yummy.

  6. I must say, whatever molds that you were using to make these, you've definitely gotten yourself a treasure to keep! This looks so pretty and I bet it tastes good too!

  7. Hi motorhome,
    Yes, it is a sweet dessert.

    Thanks Gert, love the design! You have never tried it with red bean, then you should, delicious!

    You're welcome Skinnymum. Hope you daughter love this sweet treat!

    Hi Angel, I don't mind at all. Let me go say Hello in your new blog ya. :)

    Thanks Ling. I love the molds too so had to buy it. Hehe...

    Thanks Anon. :)

  8. Yummy. I haven't had Jelly for a long long time.

  9. creative idea using moonccake mold for jelly!! I bought plenty of konnyaku from KL but still didn't make any effort to make any yet!

  10. I want these!!
    Can send to me??? =P

  11. I want to try this! Those molds are super cute!

  12. Thanks Cooking Ninja.

    Beachlover, maybe you want to wait until summer when the summer heat is unbearable, then some refreshing and cooling jelly would be most welcome. ;)

    Haha Christy! Spoiled liao lor when it reached you.

    I loved those molds too, Claire. Yeah do try, very easy to make only.

  13. You come up with the most unique flvaours for konnyaku jelly, mine is always plain n transparent hehe ;p

  14. Very pretty.....and very creative of you to use mooncake molds ;)

  15. When I first saw Red Bean Konnyaku Jelly, I couldn't imagine how it will taste like. I tried making them once after viewing your blog. The jelly came out so yummy :D I will make them again this Saturday for my friend's farewell party. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  16. You are so welcome Funny Mom! Thanks for the feedback and glad you liked it. :)

  17. Hi just saw this receipe of yours. Wonder where do you get the red bean from...I am a red bean lover will like to try out the receipe. Will cutting down of sugar affect the jelly texture....

  18. Hi Anon,
    Cutting down on sugar won't affect the texture of the jelly. I got the canned red beans at the Asian supermarket canned fruits (lychee, longan, etc.) aisle.

  19. Hi Little Corner of Mine,

    Where do you buy the Konnyaku jelly packages because I've look everywhere but can't ones, and the moulds too!

    Thank you in advance.

  20. Hi Anon, I stocked up while back in M'sia or asked people coming over to get it for me. The moulds I got it at "Ng Ming Huat" in Johor Bahru. I hope I got the store name correct. :P

  21. I am new to this as well. Appreciate all the comments. It looks wonderful, now I need to see if I can find these ingredients in Kansas.

    Thank you so much for sharing this recipe with us. we are intrigued


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