Friday, March 27, 2009

Chinese Steamed Mantau (饅頭) with Red Bean Paste & Mung Bean Paste

Assorted steamed buns or Mantau with filling. I used the breadmaker mantau recipe I posted earlier. The ones at the back with pleats were with mung bean paste filling. And the round ones were red bean paste filling. I made these and freeze individually in the freezer before putting them all in a Ziploc bag in the freezer. Each time I just take out whatever I needed for breakfast or afternoon snack and reheat it in the microwave. Those were the store-bought pastes that I brought back from Malaysia, need to use it before it expired.

Steamed mantau (饅頭) with mung bean paste.

Steamed mantau (饅頭) with red bean paste.

Since this is made using the mantau recipe instead of the bao recipe, the texture is soft and slightly chewy. We can use this recipe to stuff filling but for best result mantau recipe is still a mantau recipe, leave it plain, or brush it with sesame oil and add green onion, or make flavor mantau like yam, black sesame seeds, green tea, chocolate, etc. I saw some duo colors mantau before.


  1. Hi these mantaus are so cute :) I bet they're yummy too!

  2. Your bao a lot of liao leh! I like!

  3. Pearl, :)

    Thanks Elaine. Yes, they are. :)

    Hahaha Tigerfish, yeah lor, but I think a bit too much liao. :P

  4. now you remind me that I still have 3 kg lotus paste at store room..I better use it b4 it's expired!! oh!! maybe it's alrady expired! ouch!

  5. ohh.. I like tau sa bao !!! Ho liao !!

  6. I luv bao with lots of filling. Judging frm the photos, I am sure yours must be tasted excellent!

  7. I wish I can sink my teeth into one of those now. Just look at the overflowing fillings :)They look wonderful!

  8. yummy yummy
    my mom like to make mantau ....

    are u still remembered that i recommend one food website ?

  9. Beachlover, you bought a lot ah because I remembered you did use some to make mooncake. You can put it in the freezer you know.

    Thanks Jin Hooi.

    Thanks FFT, yes lots of filling. :P

    Thanks Gert, wish you can have some too. :)

    Yes Sock Peng. I remembered you recommended me one website, the one that cook the 1234 dish. Is that the one? Thanks for the link, will check it out. :)

  10. Your buns look adorable :)

  11. hahaha I cannot put my hands on doing pau! hehehehehe

  12. I love it too Retno.

    Thanks Maya. :)

    Thanks Kevin. :)

    BBOven, why? why? ;)

  13. looks superb. I love bao, home made even better :D

  14. wow... your buns must be very heavy! I love red bean bun but with little filling.

  15. Noobcook, homemade to cut cost. :P

    Yes Lydia, I put too much filling, would prefer less filling so that I can taste more mantau. :P

  16. these look SUPER YUMMY!!
    im loving yr blog! :D

    hope you dont mind me linking you!


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