Monday, February 16, 2009

Stir-fried Gai Choy/Asian Mustard Green

I decided to try stir-fry Asian mustard green/gai choy for dinner. Tips from my readers suggested I stir-fry it with anchovies and season with salt. And since I have some leftover chicken breast I decided to add it in. I really loved it! I couldn't taste the slight bitterness at all. It is slightly crunchy and really good in stir-fry. I am going to use it for more stir-fry from now on. Thank you readers and S for sharing. Now I have an additional vegetable to buy when grocery shopping in the Asian market. ;-) Oh, it is also very good in Hotpot/Steamboat (another recent discovery).


Washed and sliced one big bowl of Asian mustard green/gai choy
1/4 cup of anchovies, rinsed and dried

2 cloves of garlic, chopped

Salt to taste

1 cup of leftover chicken breast (optional)


1. Heat wok with oil. When heated, add in anchovies, stir-fry until golden brown, add in garlic.

2. Add in gai choy, stir-fry for a little while, add in leftover chicken breast (if used) and season to taste with salt.

Don't over fry it, just stir-fry until the gai choy is cooked.

Stir-fried Gai Choy/asian Mustard Green on Foodista


  1. Looks delicious with anchovies! I really should force myself to try more vege.

  2. last week , my mom cook gai choy rice , also yummy !!

  3. yummy, delicious !! it makes my mouth drooling for lunch now !

    I stir fry with prawn only, goes well with either porridge or rice.

  4. I love anchovies in veggies too, this looks healthy and delicious =)

  5. i love stir fry gai choy, one of my indonesian chinese friends used to stir fry gai choy with some ikan billis and chili padi , yummy !!

  6. Thanks pigpigs. I love to try various vege. if I know how to cook it. :)

    Wow thanks sock peng for another excellent idea. I know I would love gai choy fried rice. Can imagine how yummy it is already.

    Thanks Jackie, agreed I had those with porridge. :)

    Thanks noobcook.

    Jin Hooi,
    Added chili padi would be really nice, too bad got little kids at home now, so lots of dishes I cook these days have to be considerate of my kids taste buds.

  7. I will try to get this vegetable next time :P)

  8. I really miss all your baking recipes lah. And oh, I've tagged you for a fun tag .. have a nice day.

  9. Tigerfish, please do. Really not bad at all, my latest find. :)

    Family first, thanks for tagging me but I don't want to do tag anymore. Sorry ya! Oh, I will have new cookie recipes coming up! Stay tuned! :)


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