Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chai Bui (Leftver Vegetable Stew)

This dish is widely popular in a Hokkein household. Usually it is cooked the day after a wedding banquet, on Chinese New Year or whenever there is a lot of leftover. I remembered I always picked the Asian mustard green and siew yoke (roasted pork) to eat. This hot and sour dish is easy to cook, everything in it will be the leftover food except the mustard green. Of course today, we don't really have to depend on the leftover in order to cook this dish (I never have so much leftover in my house). So, I enjoy this dish without much of the leftover. Whenever I buy a whole roasted duck, I will save the bone, neck parts and freeze it in my freezer. Then, I will add it in with some lean pork and lots of Asian mustard green to cook this dish.


Asian mustard greens (Gai choy), cleaned (about one very big bowl)

Leftover pieces of roasted duck/chicken

Lean Pork slices (from 2-3 pork chops)

1 cup of Tamarind juice

8-10 dried chili peppers

Enough water to cover the meat and vegetable

Salt to taste

Sugar to taste


1. In a big pot, add in some water and let it boiled. When boiled, add in the pork slices. Dish out the impurities that float to the top and discard. Add in the leftover, tamarind juice and dried chilies. Let it simmer for an hour or until the meat is tender.

2. Add in Asian mustard green and let it simmer for a further 30 minutes or until the soften consistency you like. Season to taste with salt and sugar.

Chai Bui on Foodista


  1. This is my favor meal

    share with u :P

  2. We will normally cook this dish after some festive season with all the leftover roast meat. Its really yummy!

  3. wow! this is one of my favourite dish! my mom usually cook this dish when she come back from ghost festival but now they afraid to eqt this coz of arthristis..I'm like you only eat the lefty but myst add extra spicy!!! lol!

  4. Looks really delicious. My fiance saw this and said it's his favourite! He wants me to cook this sometime soon.

  5. omg. the soup in the picture is so yummy. it reminds me of my penang days when i had this soup at chicken rice stalls. and i took it for granted!!!!

    i have not drink this soup since 2007. :(

  6. Yes yes, I've cooked this before too with leftover roasted duck!

  7. Thanks sock peng for sharing! I will check it out when I can excess your website.

    Yeah Gert, I love it with roast meat too!

    Yeah beachlover, I like it extra spicy too, thus I added more dried chili after I tasted it.

    Thanks pigpigs. Guess you will have to cook it soon ya.

    Thanks Renaye, you can try making it your own now. Very easy to cook really as long as you can get the Asian mustard greens at your place.

    Good hor Tigerfish? Only if I can get my hands on the Asian mustard greens more often.

  8. I remember my mum cooking this especially after the Chinese new year eve dinner (hotpot/steamboat), when there would be lots of leftovers. I love the hot and sour taste :)

  9. Wow, this looks really sure makes me drool. I am going to try to make it but I am not sure what Asian mustard green looks like. When I tried to search it online, I found a variety...can you point out to me which one it is?


  10. Looks very comforting ... I must try it one day if I have leftovers :)

  11. Me too Nilmandra, I like the hot and sour taste. Yum!

    Yup Anon, that picture is the correct one, Gai Choy.

    Yeah you should. I couldn't get enough. But no leftover! :( Will have to make it with pork ribs then.

  12. I love this dish. My grandma will put in tomatoes to make the soup sweeter. But she won't put a lot of mustard green because she is afraid too 'windy' for the stomach. She will add in other veggies like 'kua chai' :-)

  13. I love this dish with porridge but don't know how to cook it. My preference is a bit on the sour side.

    Today I bought some mustards and fortunately I stumble upon your recipe from my Google search. I am going to cook this dish for dinner. Thanks for your recipe! Will let you know how mine turned out!


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