Monday, January 26, 2009

Asian Mustard Green (Gai Choy) Soup

The Asian mustard greens sold in the Asian market here came in a big bag. I still left with half bag of mustard greens from the "chai bui" I made earlier. So, what was I going to do with so much mustard greens? I never tried stir-fry it before so I was not sure about the taste. I did an online search but I couldn't find any recipe neither. So, I made this recipe up because I know it was good in soup. My recipe didn't fail me as this soup was so delicious even both my girls loved it, they loved the soft sweet carrots and the mustard greens. My hubby loved the peanuts and I simply loved everything. By the way, how do you normally cook the fresh Asian mustard greens? Is it good in stir-fry?


Asian mustard greens (Gai Choy), washed and cut (one big bowl)

5-6 pieces of cut Pork ribs/Pork bones with meat

6-8 Chinese mushrooms, soaked in hot water to soften

2 carrots, cut

3/4 cup skinless peanuts

15 Chinese dried red dates

salt to taste

1/2 tsp. chicken stock granules

Water (about 3-4 litter)


1. In a big stock pot, add in water and let it boil. When boiled add in pork ribs and dish out any impurities that float to the top. Then, add in mushroom, carrots, peanuts and red dates. Let it simmer on low for 2 hours or until the pork meats are tender.

2. Add in mustard greens and let it simmer for another half to an hour, it depends on how soft you like your mustard greens. Season to taste with salt and a little chicken stock granules.

If you try this soup and loved it, feedback to me ya!


  1. mmm i love soup! thanks for sharing :)

  2. Hi, I'm a Singaporean living in Holland.

    Is ur mustard green the salty variety ? My mom makes a soup with the veg n pork ribs.

    When I get the chance to shop in Amsterdam (85km away), I do add another portion of white cabbage (shredded) to make up a sizeable portion for our meal. Shredded pork, red chillies, ginger n garlic r added to give it a fuller aroma. I seasoned it with light n sweet soya n a pinch of salt.

    Ur soup is new to me. Is it from a specific dialect group ?

  3. a healthy soup but I never try this kale yet! I almost bought gai choy today at Chinatown ,0.99 a lb but forget coz my shopping carts full liao..

  4. You're welcome Pearl. :)

    Hi Dutchie,
    The mustard green that I used is the fresh one, not the salty one. Is the recipe you provided using the preserved salty type?

    Oh this soup is totally new. I invented it myself. If other people start cooking it, must be using my recipe. Not from a specific dialect group because I just add what I see fit. :P

    Yes beachlover, this is the price for the big gai choy, I bought the mini gai choy for $1.09/lb. I need to buy the skinless peanuts so that I can make this soup again.

  5. I drank the same thing the other day without so much ingredients..hehe

  6. When I manage to get fresh mustard green, I usually just stir fry plain with oil and salt. It has just a slight bitter tinge to it but nicely so.

  7. omg, I love this type of clear soup, makes me drool the instant I see it. I love the salty version especially, very comfort food!

  8. Hey.. Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!.. so long since I said hello.. Just finish my exam today and here i am .. reporting to u again ;-))

  9. Similar soup ya Kay.

    Thanks Daisy. Yeah, I heard that the stir-fry one has slight bitter taste. Hmmm...not sure whether my hubby and girls would like that.

    Me too noobcook.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai to you too, Jin Hooi. :)

  10. This is so lovely and suitable for this hot weather of CNY.

  11. I've never tried gai choy in soup before: will have to try it soon.

  12. hi this something new and i have to try soon, thanks for share ;)

  13. Bits of life n taste, this soup is delicious too.

    js, you should, it's really good in soup.

    Lia, something new to try eh. :)

  14. Hi! I've been reading your blog for a long time but was always too lazy to comment. Hehe. My mum either stir-fries it with some ikan bilis as a plate of green, or turn it into a soup with some eggs. I love the bittersweet taste of the soup.

  15. Hi Belinda,
    I have a friend who told me she stir-fry it with ikan bilis too, I will have to give it a try then. Thanks! :)

  16. I like bitter taste of Gai Choy a lot as well as bitter melon. I make Gai Choy soup with pork ribs and salty egg. Don't know why I don't stir fry Gai Choy,just simply cook with boiling water, dip with soy sauce and sesame oil. Lazy perhaps but it tastes good enough for me, hehe

  17. Hi Chumpman, I just bought some gai choy again, going to try stir-fry it with ikan bilis and see how it tastes. Your version sure sound very easy.

  18. Hi, I'm a Chinese-Canadian just browsing through your blog. I love your pics and your soup looks yummy :)

    By the way, about stirfrying gai choi, my mom used to do that all the time and it's really good if you enjoy that slightly bitter taste gai choi has. Just stirfry the veggies lightly with minced garlic and you'll end up with a really fresh dish.

  19. Thanks May. I did try the stir-fry gai choy already and loved it! I posted the recipe in my blog too. :)

  20. Ah! that soup looks good! i'll be making it soon, i suspect. i like to stir fry gai choy as follows:

    heat oil with garlic, and some dried shrimp that you've already soaked and squeezed the excess water out of. (ginger and onions optional.) add chicken pieces, then add fresh chopped gai choy and chinese mushrooms when chicken is about done. i then add a chopped packet of the preserved gai choy, and about half the liquid inside to help make a sauce. add pepper, then thin the sauce with water/stock and sherry. [the sauce should be salty enough from the preserved vegetable, but if you need more salt, reserve the liquid from the shrimp and add that]

  21. Hi Ming, do try this soup, it's really good. My hubby disliked stir-fry gai choy (some can be really bitter) but loved this soup. Thanks for your gai choy recipe too! :)

  22. i love this soup and I think you provided a great variation to it.
    i must try your recipe sometime. thanks for posting!!

    i love mustard greens...check out my version!


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