Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Seafood Nyonya Assam Curry

Assam curry or sour based curry is normally cooked with seafood. Most commonly is assam fish or assam prawns. Since I didn't have any fish fillet at home, I opted for shrimps, bay scallops and fish balls. I also threw in some green beans and fried tofu.

I used the Singlong Instant Curry Nyonya Assam Mix (Spicy) that was given by a friend. I added a little whole milk for extra creaminess. Overall it was pretty good but it was too spicy for the kids.


  1. It looks delicious and wholesome! On top of that I find myself craving spicy food more often than I used to so it's even more my cup of tea

  2. opps
    i also plan to cook curry tonight... :P

  3. Perfect comfort food for the cold season? I love spicy stuff especially when it rains in KL.

  4. Planning to do assam fish this weekend too coz my friend tickled my taste buds with her assam fish head curry....aiyoh, now you also tickling me. Can die, can die! So sedap.

  5. I think I will like seafood asam more than fish asam... or best... both XD Fish curry is my fave type of curry because of the tangy taste ... yummy

  6. hi there! i found your blog by random. that dish looks so good! hopefully we can keep in touch :).

  7. Thanks Lore, I do love spicy food, to me it bring up the appetite.

    What a coincidence sock peng! :)

    Family first, you like something spicy when it's slightly cold huh? ;) But even though it's rain in KL, it's still very hot leh. :P

    Oh man JP! I love love love assam fish head curry! I love the gelatin under the eyes. Hehe...

    Noobcook, me too especially the assam fish head.

    Hi and welcome to my blog Pearl! :)

  8. oh baby! i love assam curry...too bad now sous chef is on a strict low iodine diet, so i cant use any packaged spices T_T

  9. look good,wow!!.I also bought few pack of Singlong paste from KL but didn't have the chance to try out yet! now can't cook spicy food ,window and door all closed tight:(

  10. That looks really yummy!

  11. That's too bad Rita, those package spices sure is convenient.

    Beachlover, why? Your hubby will complain of the smell?

    Thanks Asianmommy.

  12. Yum yum. I use Singlong curry powder.
    The scallops look like fishballs ;p

  13. ahhh.. I love the tang in this. Very yummy!


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