Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stir-fried Whole Wheat Spaghetti

Friday night is noodle night for us. I will cook rice with two dishes sometimes plus soup on Monday-Thursday. On weekends, we eat out or takeaway/to go. What meal I cook depends on what grocery I buy, so sometimes we will have something different, most time we will have something familiar. One can't be creative all the times right? What happen if I ran out of creative idea to prepare dishes and I have nothing interesting to post in my blog? I saw a Chinese cooking show before where he was asked the same question and he said a cook will never run out of ideas to cook, if you give him the ingredients, he will cook the dish for you. If you are a cook, when you step into someone else kitchen, you will still be able to come out with a delicious dish with the ingredients at hands. Right or not? Anyway, above is my Friday noodle dish: Stir-fry whole wheat spaghetti with asparagus and chicken.


1 box of whole wheat spaghetti, cook and drain as package instruction

1 boneless and skinless chicken breast, sliced and marinated with salt, Japanese rice wine, sesame oil and cornstarch

1 carrot, sliced

About 10 stalks of asparagus, cut

2 cloves of garlic, chopped

Oyster sauce

Dark soy sauce

1 tsp. sugar


1. In a flying pan, add oil. When heated, add chicken, stir for a little while, add garlic and then carrot and asparagus. Stir until cooked.

2. Add in oyster sauce and dark soy sauce, add a little water if needed. Add in drained spaghetti and stir to blend well. Add in sugar and stir to coat well. Season to taste, serve hot.

I would love to share this noodle dish with the Presto Pasta Night Gang. The host will be Judith of Think On It. Sorry I haven't been taking picture of my noodle dish lately because most of the times they were the same. :P


  1. I just love this kind of fry noodles where you just throw whatever you have in your fridge. Simple and fast to cook. I never cook this with spaghetti though :)

  2. I feel the same way as well. Sometimes it is so hard to figure out what to cook. That's when I resort to fried beehoon and I certainly don't get any complaints on this!

  3. hi i m interested to know, where did u get/bought your dark soy sauce? is it the 老抽from chinese groceries store? i can't get our typical Malaysian dark thick soy sauce else where here in CA!

  4. Wow it looks so yumm, like the one we get in the restraunts.
    Just imagine eating it, slurp :-)

  5. I'm six months away from asparagus and I don't have an aerial pan, but I can wait!


  6. the stirfry spaghetti looks delicious. I know what you mean. It's hard to be creative all the time! But this is indeed a creative use of whole wheat spaghetti. :)

  7. wow! this is healty meal. . . . wheat spaghetti . . . . looks awesomely yummy!

  8. Yummy, noodles. I might make a pasta dish tonight but a bit lazy at the moment. You're welcome for the recipe. ;)

  9. I like to stir fry spaghetti too, love the east meet west combo ;-))

  10. Wow....very homely:)
    Nice and healthy too...I've always like stir-fry version of everything;)

  11. Thanks ladies and BBOven. :)

    Gigi, I used LKK premium dark soy sauce. :)

  12. looks so good! I love pasta cooked in a fusion way ... best of both worlds! ;)

  13. Me too! I have noodles day too. Just that it's abit messed up with my work timetable now. Darn!!

    Whole wheat huh..does it taste better? =)

  14. easy peasy lovely food you had.. yummy

  15. hmmm look good!I like to cook fry noodles alot too,maybe bcoz Mishu love noodles.Just bought 4 different pack of noodles from Chinatown days ago..

  16. I know this is good coz I am quite a sucker for pasta and using it for Chinese ways of cooking such as stir fry ;p

  17. Me too, noobcook. :)

    Daphne, it tastes just as good but healthier. ;)

    Thanks Indonesia-eats.

    Beachlover, Chinatown does have lots of different noodles. Sometimes I just buy different one for experiment.

    Thanks Tigerfish, oh yeah I know you like to use pasta in your eastern dishes too. Like the chili crab huh? ;)

  18. Wonderful dish, thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. I love it when things come together so quickly and taste so heavenly.

  19. The colours make this dish beyond mouthwatering! Couldn't live more than a week without pasta :P


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