Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Barley Drink

While blog visiting, noobcook's Lemon Barley Drink post reminded me to make some barley drink for my family. She made her version of barley drink and photographed it beautifully with the added lemon slice. Usually barley drink is fairly easy to make, you can make one with just water, barley and rock sugar. However since I have the sweet dates and sweet winter melons, I decided to add it into my barley drink.

I used slow cooker to make this. I added all the ingredients with the amount of water I like and turned it on High. Should be ready in 4-6 hours. I used 2 Chinese sweet dried dates, about 1 cup dried sweet winter melons, 3/4 cup barley and 3 quarts water. At 5 hours, before turning off the electric, I added yellow rock sugar to taste. If too sweet, add more water until it reaches your desired sweetness. Actually the resulted barley drink is quite sweet, so only little bit of rock sugar is required.


  1. Now you remind me to boil this barley for my sick Mishu.Hope she will drink this healthy drink.

  2. Time to dig out my slower cooker!
    I like the addition of sweet winter melon in this drink :)

  3. wah, 4-6 hours!! Yours has more 'liao' and I bet it tastes much better than mine, hehe ;) gotta try your version soon :D

    btw, is the type of dates you using the 'honey red dates' type?

  4. I like chilled barley drink, i like the idea of adding sweet dates and winter melons .

  5. something new for me, i'd like to try it also ;)

  6. Beachlover, hoping Mishu will like this drink too. I need to boil another big pot too.

    Tigerfish, my hubby ate the whole pot of winter melons and barley! I didn't know he liked it so much before. :P

    Noobcook, hmmm...I don't think it's red date. But it's honey dried dates, more like the color in the picture, yellow & brown. It's quite big compared to red date.

    Thanks jin hooi. We like it chill too.

    Lia, go try, it's a very good drink for our body.

  7. Oh yes. Even looking at this made me feel like having a glass of it. It's so refreshing.


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