Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shaved Ice Again (Ice Kacang)

It's summer and the best way to cool off is to have some shaved ice or ice kacang. Making shaved ice is so easy these days when you own the shaved ice machine. It comes in two forms, electric or hand power. I bought an electric one few years back and it's really useful.

I used canned sweeten red beans, canned peaches and canned green jelly so making this is really easy. All I have to do is make some Gula Melaka syrup to put on top of the shaved ice. Oops! I forgot to add the evaporated milk, no wonder it didn't taste as fragrant. :P


  1. That looks refreshing all right! Great dessert!!

  2. Wow, you even have a ice-shaving machine! Haha. I guess over here you don't need one. It's cheaper to go down to the hawker centre.

  3. Ya ya...I think must add some evaporated milk. But the ice is enough to melt my heart liow lah!

  4. wow.. I love Ice Kacang !! But it is too cold to have ice now, it's winter over here ;-)

  5. Oh yum! This looks good. I thot they used sweetened condensed milk instead of evaporated milk? I thot I saw the hawkers did it back in Singapore. This reminds me of home. :D

  6. Thanks daphne, it is!

    Sig, the ice-shaving machine is the home version and it's only about $20. I bought it because we couldn't get ice kacang here, want to eat, have to make our own lor.

    Thanks tigerfish, yes the evaporated milk makes it fragrant and taste right. No wonder I felt the taste was not authentic enough, now I know I left out the milk. :P

    Lao Cha, yes winter is too cold. It has been raining a lot these days and it's getting cold too.

    Sri, I thought it was condensed milk before but condensed milk was too thick to pour, unless you dilute it with some water first. And since sugar syrup is sweet, evaporated milk is just nice. Fragrant minus the sweetness.

  7. What a great mixing of all the flavors! This looks nice and refreshing!

  8. wah... so pretty ^^ I think this is just the thing I need to beat the heat ... maybe I should invest on an ice-shaving machine too since it's so hot all year round in Singapore >.<

  9. The milk they use is evaporated, not condensed. Like you say it's very fragrant and not sweet. I always ask for more milk.

  10. I want some pleaseeeee......look yummy especially hot summer!!

  11. i am ok without evaporated milk...i'll add coconut milk hehehe

    this is a crowd pleaser, especially for summer, ya?

  12. This should taste really good in this hot summer. Wish I can have a bowl now :)

  13. Thanks leslie and thanks for dropping by.

    Haha noobcook, yes you can since a bowl of shaved ice is getting very pricey these days. ;)

    Thanks sig for the clarification. Now we know for sure is evaporated milk. :)

    Thanks beachlover. You can make some at home too! ;)

    Yes Rita. Everyone loves it especially my hubby, one bowl is not enough for him, got to have two. LOL!

    Yes Dhanggit!

    Gert, I thought you have the shave ice maker at home too?

  14. this is famous dessert in my place, good combination with coconut milk and i love ittttttttttt ;)

    i'm gonna try urs version ;)

  15. LCOM, I do have one but have to shave the ice manually. Very tiring. Have to get myself an elec. one like yours :)

  16. oh man. reminds me of penang ice kacang/cendol. next time u can add some corn too, and some ice cream on top. it's summer here in canada and sadly my fav dessert is nowhere to be found. the closest we have here is taiwanese bubble tea. sob.

  17. This looks so pretty. I'd love to be able to try it before the warm weather is all gone.


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