Friday, July 11, 2008

YUM - YUM Blog Award

I would love to thanks My Kitchen Snippets for giving me this YUM - YUM blog award. It was so sweet of her and I really appreciated it. I would love to pass it to the YUM-YUM blogs below:

Soy and Pepper
Kedai Hamburg
The Adventure of my cooking diary


  1. OH...I just saw this award here, must be too busy these days with my condo renovation and my recent holiday trip to notice. Thanks you so much..will claim it and paste in my blog later.

  2. I made the yum yum blog award just a few months to see where all she would end up and you would not believe the amazing food blogs she has ended up on. I have had so much fun seeing all of this and learning about more blogs and recipes along the way.

    You deserve it!

    Noor from Ya Salam Cooking


Hi, welcome to my blog and thanks for taking your time to leave me a comment. ^o^ Truly appreciated!