Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Thank You FoodBuzz!

Look what I received in the mail. A care package from FoodBuzz to welcome the Summer! I totally loved it!

Look, it has my blog name on one of the pins! Cool right?

Thank you FoodBuzz, I will proudly wear around town and create some buzzzzzz for you and me! :)


  1. Congrats..! Cool pins and aprons..just the right gift for you...

  2. I too just received the same package from Foodbuzz but they sent me some namecard too last week. Did you get yours?

  3. Oh Sweet Jasmine,
    That is not an apron, it's a tote bag. But apron is a great idea eh.

    Hi Gert, no I didn't get the name card.

  4. yay! I recieved mine yesterday!!! IT's so cute!!!

  5. Hi was wondering how did you manage to get it one ah?

  6. Anon,
    FoodBuzz loves to send "free gift" to their featured publisher. Not sure how they pick who to give though.

  7. Wohoho I just received mine too! Hey, let's carry it around together and post the pics LOL

  8. wow thats cool!! It means if we join they will send you this little gifts? I don't join yet, just recently don't have enough time to browsing around.

    btw, are interesting to participate with foodie photography event? (see add on my blog)
    it is just a fun event to celebrate our independence day.


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