Monday, June 23, 2008

Braised Chicken with Dried Bean Curd Sticks

I love to cook this dish for my family because it is healthy and delicious. This is one of my home cook dishes that I think is also one of yours. I think this dish is pretty common in a household that cook every day. The only different is I used skinless and boneless chicken breast instead of the whole cut out chicken. Sharing with you my way of cooking this dish.


1 skinless and boneless chicken breast, sliced and marinated with soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, white pepper and cornstarch.
4 dried bean curd sticks, soaked in warm water until slightly soften, cut into 2 inches length.
1 star anise
2 Tbsp. Light soy sauce
1 Tbsp. Dark soy sauce
1 1/2 cup Water
1 tsp. brown cane sugar (or brown sugar)


1. Heat a saucepan with some oil. Fry chicken until half cooked. Add in star anise. Fry for a little while. Add in bean curd sticks and water.

2. Add in light and dark soy sauce. Let it boil and turn the heat to low, covered and let it simmer for an hour or until the bean curd sticks are completely soften.

3. Add in the cane sugar and give it a stir. Do a taste test to see whether you need to add more salt or sugar. Serve hot.

We really enjoy this dish and I hope you like it too.


  1. ohhhh my husband would love me if I tried this :)

  2. My mom like to cook this kind of stew too. I think is a Hokkien dish. I hardly cook this because Carlos never like any tofu products :( By the way she too like to cook the long beans with chai poh :)

  3. oh yeah! I love this dish too!!.Whenever I cook this dish I'm the only one have to eat it.It's take me more than a week to finish if I eat everyday!!

  4. Never cook or had this at home before leh! But I will try it some day. Wonder if can use slow cooker to braise the dish....

  5. Ching,

    Got any leftover? It can be cook as chap chye...just add in mushroom, kim cham, carrot, cabbage and extra beancurd stick...yum yum..

  6. My grandma used to make this dish all the time, except she used pork instead of chicken. It's sooooo good on top of white rice.

  7. Motherhood for dummies, oh yeah? ;)

    Gert, oh too bad. I love beancurd stick. Not sure what dish is this but my mom used to cook this. ;)

    Beachlover, next time cook a little bit can already lor, like 2 persons portion and finish it in two days. :P

    Tigerfish, slowcooker ah, hmmm...not sure leh, you give it a try lor.

    Hehe Sherreen, no more leftover. :P Oh I like chap chye too...but I thought that one used yellow bean paste to braise it too?

    Hi Hakka House, oh right, it will be yummy with pork!

  8. My MOM loves to make this dish. When I still live with her she would make it for me whenever I ask. I love this awesome dish. Thank you for sharing. I love your web site.


  9. that looks good for winter here!

  10. this is one fantastic way to cook chicken! im dying to try this recipe! the picture looks delicious :-)

  11. That looks like gorgeous comfort food :)

  12. Ooo... tau kee. My grandma used to cook this with pork instead. It actually is more like a chap chye dish. She added mock abalone too and we used to fight for those. Just looking at this dish brings back memories or childhood. :) Thanks for the memories.

  13. Thanks Zoe. :)

    Daphne, good for me anytime. :)

    Thanks Dhanggit, do try it!

    Thanks y.

    D, this is delicious with pork too. :)

  14. Hi

    I have some star anise powder in my pantry, how much of the powder will be a rough estimate of 1 star anise? I usually just agar agar pour, sometimes the taste is too strong.


  15. NG,
    Powder form is more concentrated so I think perhaps 1/8 tsp. for 1 star anise. If you agar2 and think it's too strong, next time agar2 less.

  16. Great combination of flavours however I have to admit that the instructions did not work for me. Even after a much shorter cooking time the chicken was completely dried out. Unfortunately the bean curd was still tough. So next time I will soak the bean curd and cook much much shorter. But that said - thank you so much for the insipration!


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