Friday, May 02, 2008

Vacation Finally!!

In few hours, I will be on the plane heading back to Malaysia. I will be back for a month. First stop would be Johor Bahru where my in-laws are. This is my long awaited vacation to Malaysia. I also get to attend my brother's wedding banquet in P.J. at the end of the month. We will visit Singapore, Melaka and Genting & Cameron Highlands in this trip and I can't wait to visit Sentosa Island after 20+ years. I also can't wait to eat my way through Melaka and visit the Jonker Street. Stop at the Ostrich Farm at P.D on the way to P.J. And visit my high school friends whom I haven't seen for 14 years!! Cool down at Genting Highlands and Cameron Highland (will be needed for sure) and let the kids have some fun at the theme park, shopping at KLCC and visit more friends from college days. Can't wait!!!

I will keep updating in Malaysia whenever I have access to the Internet. I also have some drafts that I will be posting in Malaysia so stay tuned! Oh by the way, I might be late in responding to your comments, but rest assure that I will, just a bit late! :o) Also, I might not be able to visit your blog often or in the month of May at all, sorry in advance ya!


  1. Have a wonderful time!!! Please eat another bowl of Hokkien Mee, Nasi lemak, Har Mee, popiah, laksa, roti canai, rendang ... what else??? ... okay ... one of each ... for me!!! Slurp!!

  2. Enjoy your trip and have a nice makan too. I'm in J.B too @ Taman Daya.

  3. Woah! Hope you enjoy your holidays :) You're gonna see lotsa changes in Singapore ;p I'll be off to yellowstone for three months the following week! But I'll be visiting your blog whenever I can! Have fun :)

  4. have a great holiday! it's a long time since i was there - in KL - but it was a beautful place so i still remember it well.

  5. Oh welcome back to Malaysia. Hope you enjoy the trip here and looks like your schedule is full.

  6. Sounds funtastic!!! Enjoy your well-deserved vacation and put up photos when you can! :)

  7. All contents and pictures are SORE property of Little Corner of Mine?


  8. Oh my.... your trip schedule make me feel home sick now. Sounds so exciting and I am sure you will have lots of FUN!!! Enjoy your vacation:)

  9. Happy holidays to you....dear friend....have a good time in Malaysia...

  10. Wish you everything well and have a nice trip .... remember sharing the pic :)

  11. Wow, great to hear that you're finally on the way. Enjoy and and makan kau kau. Will keep looking forward to your updates.

  12. Walio! how come I don't know, are we meeting up?

  13. Happy Holidays! Do feast and shop till you drop, can't wait to go back this Dec too.

  14. A well-deserved and long-awaited holiday! but be prepared for the HOT HOT HOT weather yah?

  15. wow coming down to Singapore. Let's meet up. Send me an email for my mobile no. In the meantime, happy holidaying.

  16. wow!! you gone for a month??.That must be great!!.I don't have the chance to visit Singapore,Genting and Cameron when I was in Msia.Too bad.Make sute you post alot of pix there.oh!! When you visit Jonker St,remember to bring mosquito repellant.Mishu was bite alive there!!Have A safe journey and enjoy your vacation in Msia!!

  17. You just have a great vacation and not worry about us. We'll be here still. ;)

  18. Looks like I will be in KL while you are on your way back! Darn! We will miss each other.

  19. Ching, have a safe journey home and hope you will have a wonderful time with your family and friends.

  20. I'm so excited for you!! Eat well =)

  21. Hi all,
    Quick update here. I don't have Internet connection yet, right now using other wireless so this will be short. Reached here safe and sound Monday morning and right now is adjusting to the hot weather. My kids are doing extremely well and don't seem to having a jet lag. I will answer to specific questions later when I have our own connection. Thanks all!

  22. Enjoy your vacation, EAT EAT EAT! I'll be in Penang for a company event in 2 weeks...cant wait to try all the goodies there ^_^

  23. wow enjoy your holiday and makan sessions here. looks like yr schedule all packed.

  24. I think you will look forward to everything except the weather. Trust me! I stayed in CA for two years and could not get use to SE Asia hot and humid weather!

    Anyhow, you must enjoy yourself and chow down all the yummy food, girl!

  25. Glad to hear that you got there safe. Have a fun time! :)

  26. Glad you know your journey went well. Have a great trip, it sounds like a wonderful itinerary! I envy you for all the delicious food that you will be eating :)


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