Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

We were the unlucky few I guess. My daughters fever turned out to be the hand, foot and mouth disease. I spotted the oral ulcers, blisters on my little girl hand this morning and suspected it might be this and quickly took them to the clinic. She also has some tiny red spots rash on her foot, hand and buttock areas which we first thought might be heat rash and sort of ignored it. And then my older girl started to have high fever early this morning and not feeling so well. So, I suspected she might contract the same disease as my little one. True enough, both of them have hand, foot and mouth disease and it needs to run it course in about a week. No wonder my Edda has no appetite at all. She was the one that help herself on food first and suddenly she was like pushing the food away. She also became very cranky and kept crying for no apparent reason (reason being painful ulcer but at that time I had no idea). Now we know. The doctor gave them a medicine for fever and drops for reducing pain and fever. I hope they will feel better soon as we will be heading back to U.S. this Sunday.

Because of this we won't be able to visit Sentosa Island. My girls have to be in quarantine until they recover simply due to the fact that this viral is highly contagious. Guess I also won't be able to visit Daiso and meet E from Precious Moment due to this short coming. :(


  1. oh dear sorry to hear this. just make sure they can eat and drink something. else u need to check them into the hospital for drips.

  2. Oh gosh! Hope they are well before getting on that long flight again.

  3. oh!! mygod!!..I hope both your gal will feel better after taking the medication..If not you can always stay back with both of them and come back later.Take care:)

  4. Oh dear what a pity! Yeah, HFMD is on the rampage in Singapore now. Sorry to hear the two girls caught it on their holiday here. Hope they get well soon!

  5. i understand how hard it is for a mom when kids got sick..hope she gets well soon ;-)

  6. I hope both of them will get well soon!.

  7. poor girls..
    we r also worry that Ryan gets this in sch. Luckily now is the sch hols.

    take care of your poor darlings (n yourself too), will be praying for their recovery...

  8. I'm so sorry to hear that :( Must be stressful for you and the hubby. It's a shame about Sentosa but there will be other opportunities I'm sure. I hope your girls recover quickly and it will be a smooth journey back to the US.

  9. I hope both girls feel better soon. It's very painful and annoying disease. Erin had it before and her doctor had to prescribe stronger dose of pain medicine (tylenol with codein). Give them lots of kisses and hugs from Tyler and Erin.

  10. Oh Dear, I hope both your girls will feel much better before the long journey home. Take care!

  11. OMG, sad to hear abt the news of your 2 kids.I can understand how panicky a mom can when the kids fell ill esp during vacation trips.I've had this experience before tho(btw, all my 3 kids are in their teens now). I hope they will have a speedy recovery before heading back home. All the best to your 2 poor little princess. Take care.

    Janice Penang.

  12. Babe_kl,
    Thus far they got a little food and water down. Doc. asked us to give them ice-cream and cold drinks like vitagen, soft drink or soy milk. At least they won't be dehydrated.

    Hoping the same too, tigerfish.

    Thanks beachlover, the older one is manageable but the little one just cry and cry at night. But little one got it first so she should be well on the day back.

    Thanks Camemberu. Yes, it's a pity we couldn't take advantage of the half price but their well being come first.

    Thanks Dhanggit.

    Thanks BBOven.

    Thanks Peony. Hope this disease will die down soon.

    Thanks Nilmandra. It was the first time I see Edda like that, crying non-stop and difficult to sooth. At time I also don't know what to do.

    Thanks hoon. Really annoying for sure. It must be painful for Edda as she cries most of the times, day and night.

    Thanks gert. I hope for the same too.

  13. sorry to hear abt this.. the gals shd be on their way to recovery by now. my son had a bad case of HFMD b4 and i can undertsand the pain... even I caught it!(mild case).

    it's such a pity that you can't visit sentosa and sg...

    hope you'll have a safe journey home!

  14. poor darlings, i really hope they get well soon. Take care.


  15. oh little corner! I hope both of the girls feel better soon. Take care of yourself too ya?

  16. Oh dear, so sorry to hear that. I hope your girls feel better b4 they fly back to US. Take care!

  17. Thanks Janice. I feel helpless when Evy complaint her throat hurt and I have nothing to ease her pain.

    Thanks baking fiend. Look like Edda is on her way to recovery but Evy is at the most painful stage with lots of sores and blisters on her hand (very scary to look at). She also complaint painful sore throat, she wanted to eat but painful and I'm helpless.

    Thanks Ning's mummy.

    Thanks Daphne. I will.

    Thanks blur mommy. I hope Evy will feel better on Sunday too. What a timing huh?

  18. Pity the little ones....Must have been torturing for them...Take care of them well ya...I love little Edda. I love how she smile and look so cheeky in each photo!

  19. Hi.
    Don't worry. I can understand how you feel. My 3 kids had HFMD quite sometime back during the first outbreak. One after another. There are no medicines. Let them have lots of fluid. They will be cranky due to the pain of the ulcers. Doc also told me to give ice-creams, cold drinks. That is because somehow, the coldness will numb the pain. They can't really eat now, but give them what they like. Anything also can, at least they consume something. You take care too! Adults can also get it.
    Take care, and wish them well soon.


  20. please please take care for urself too as i understands that it is not easy to take care of kids.

    Hope ur kids are getting better now. =)

  21. Thanks Quinn. Yeah, lots of people love Edda too. A lot of strangers requested to have picture with them or her.

    Thanks Jane. Edda is eating and drinking well and almost fully recover now. But Evy got it hard on her fingers, foot and mouth, even inside her throat and still in the painful stage. No sure whether they will let her on the plane or not tomorrow. *sigh*

    Thanks Pearlyn. Little one is fine now just the elder one got hit harder and is now very painful with scarely looking sores and blisters.

  22. I hope your girls will get well soon. Keep them with plenty of fluids.

  23. Sorry to hear about your girls...I'm keeping them in my prayers. Take good care and hope to talk with you soon.

  24. Poor little girl. I hope both of them gets better now. Ya, the HFM outbreak is coming back now. My little girl also having fever now and I am keeping an eye on her if there is any rashes on her hand or foot.

  25. Oh,so sorry to hear about yr girls...and glad to know they are much better now. Just hope they will be okay when they reach home.
    Take Care.

  26. Oh dear, I hope your little ones are up and well now. When i didn't hear back from you, I thought your schedule was packed. Sorry to hear that the two little lovelies were down. No worries, maybe next year my turn to visit you. Take good care.

  27. Thanks Zue. Will try.

    Thanks V.

    Suesue, I'm hoping your girl didn't get this HFM, very hard to care for.

    Thanks Jasmine.

    Thanks E. Yeah, so sorry I didn't get to visit you in S'pore. Let me know whenever you are in town.

  28. Ching...hope ur baby gal is feeling better now. Make sure she has lots of liquid...

    Baby Ryan had the same problem and was admitted into the hospital 2 weeks ago. But he is better now.

    Take care

  29. Thanks Ray. Left a comment at your forum already. :)


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