Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Easy Cold Tofu

This is one super easy home cook dish that I ever came out with. So easy that everyone can make this and no skill needed. Just cut some soft tofu and use the sauces that you already have at home and it's ready if you like it cold. If you prefer it hot, warm it in a microwave oven for 2 minutes and you have yourself a delicious dish.


1 box of soft tofu, sliced into pieces (I only used half packet above)
Drizzle some oyster sauce on top
Drizzle some dark soy sauce on top
Drizzle some sesame oil on top
Sprinkle lots of fried shallots on top (I used store-bought crispy shallots that I keep in my freezer once opened, ready to use whenever I needed some, very convenient!)
Chopped fresh scallions for color (I didn't have any but would add this if I have some)
Chopped fresh red bird eye chilies (optional, for extra spiciness and color, and if you don't have kids sharing your food :P)

I don't think I need to write down the direction/method here. Try it for your family dinner tonight!


  1. I love eating this soft tofu....just put soya sauce, some spring onions and onion or garlic oil....

  2. Yeah lor, very easy and healthy too! :)

  3. Is that silk Tofu? looks so soft and fine.

  4. Retno,
    Ya, I think it's a silken soft tofu.

  5. Yes, this is really an easy dish and great for summer. I like to add some pork floss or sichuan char choy on top, yummy yummy !

  6. Great Idea Chumpman, I do have some pork floss. But try to cut down on using Sichuan char choy, this preserved veggie from China, better to avoid it.

  7. Yes, I should. Thanks for your kind reminder

  8. don't forget the preserved egg and peanuts!

  9. Chanced on this recipe last night ..and I tried it! I heat up my tofu before putting the sauce. yummy! super ez to prepare and taste so good! Thanks! :)

  10. You are so welcome Amanda, glad you liked it. :)


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